Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201711


Time and again, Preferred Members are so thrilled with a product’s performance that they share it in a “Customer Experience * ” review on Melaleuca.com. And they use the word LOVE—a lot! Preferred Members initially purchase Melaleuca products for their effective performance, safer ingredients, and ultra-affordable prices. But their practicality grows into definite preference and often blossoms into love as their product experiences become personally meaningful: a beloved bridal gown is restored to pure white with PreSpot ™ after being stained first by grease when the skirt caught in the car door en route to the reception, and then again by blue wedding cake frosting; crayon stains come out of the living room carpet thanks to Sol-U-Mel ®, so the apartment cleaning deposit isn’t lost. What a relief! And as the Melaleuca products they love and trust become an indispensable part of their lives, customers often discover, by accident, or by inspired exploration, that those products also work brilliantly in unexpected ways. Read on for multitasking experiences straight from the heart.

TUB & TILE ™ With the natural power of citric acid, this bathroom surface cleaner not only melts away soap scum, but has other helpful uses as well.

GETS RID OF RUST “We had three rust rings in the shower tile ledge left by the bottom of a steel can. NOTHING I used on it would re- move the stains until we received our Tub & Tile . It was next to amazing how well it worked.” Š Š RAY PLAYE, EAST PROVIDENCE, RI

CLEARS UP GROUT HAZE “In an hour I was able to scrape away more grout haze than I had been able to do with strong chemical solvents in months. I almost cried .” Š Š JENNIFER & LLOYD MOORE, WOODBRIDGE, CA


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