FitnessForHealth_Reaching Milestones

As any parent knows, there are many developmental milestones that children at certain ages must meet. Watching your child learn and grow is one of the many benefits of parenting, but we know how nerve-racking it can also be. If your child is lagging behind, it can be a huge source of stress and constant worry in your life.

N E W S L E T T E R Your #1 Resource for Reaching Your Highest Potential

AWARD WINNER 2016, 2017, 2018

As any parent knows, there are many developmental milestones that children at certain ages must meet. Watching your child learn and grow is one of the many benefits of parenting, but we know how nerve-racking it can also be. If your child is lagging behind, it can be a huge source of stress and constant worry in your life. At Fitness for Health, we want to help put your mind at ease. Our integrated care specialists understand that while these developmental milestones are indeed important, it is not the end of the world if your child falls a bit behind. However, it is something that you should be aware of.


How To Help Your Child Meet Key Developmental Milestones on Time

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11140 Rockville Pike, Suite 303 Rockville, Maryland 20852

(301) 231-7138 | |


3-6YearsOfAge During the preschool years, your child should be able to:

How Can I Tell If My Child Is Falling Behind? It can sometimes be difficult to tell if your child is on the right developmentaltrack.Whilesome factorsmayseemobvious,thereare some other subtle factors that can tell you whether or not your child is meeting the mark in cognitive and physical development. According to Medline Plus, the following comprehensive list should tell you if your child has met the correct stages of development, from birth to age 18:

• Enjoy doing most things independently, without help • Enjoy rhymes and word play • Hop on one foot • Ride a tricycle well • Start school • Understand size concepts • Understand time concepts girls • Notice the importance in peer recognition • Further develop reading skills • Notice the importance of routine in daytime activities • Understands and follow several directions in a row

• Draw a circle and square • Draw stick figures with two to three features for people • Skip • Balance better, and may begin to ride a bicycle • Begin to recognize written words • Catch a bounced ball

BirthToOneYearOfAge Within the first year of life, your child should be able to: • Drink from a cup • Sit alone, without support • Babble

• Roll over without assistance • Say “mama” and “dada,” using the terms appropriately • Understand the word “no”

6-12YearsOfAge During the primary school years, your child should be able to: • Begin gaining skills for team sports • Begin to lose “baby” teeth

• Display a social smile • Develop their first tooth • Play peek-a-boo • Pulls themselves up to standing position

and stop the activity in question as a response

• Walk while holding on to furniture or other support

and get permanent teeth • Possibly begin to show growth of armpit, pubic hair, and breast development in girls • Possibly begin menarche (first menstrual period) for

1-3YearsOfAge During the toddler years, your child should be able to: • Feed themselves neatly, with minimal spilling • Draw a line, when shown one • Run, pivot, and walk backwards

• Learn to share toys, without adult direction • Master walking • Recognize and labels colors appropriately • Recognize differences between males and females • Learn to take turns (if directed) while playing with other children • Use more words, and understand simple commands • Use a spoon to feed themselves

12-18yearsofage During the adolescent years, your child should be able to:

• Say their first and last name • Walk up and down the stairs • Begin pedaling a tricycle • Name pictures of common objects and point to body parts • Get dressed, with only a little bit of help • Imitate the speech of others and “echo” words back

• Notice a vital importance in peer acceptance and recognition • Understand abstract concepts

• Achieve adult height, weight, and sexual maturity • Notice armpit hair, chest

hair, pubic hair, voice changes, and enlarged penis/testicles in boys

• Notice armpit hair, pubic hair, breast development, and menstrual periods in girls

Meet Your Child’s Milestones: Call (301) 231-7138 to schedule your appointment today!


When delays are present, whether they are cognitive or physical, they can become a great source of stress for parents and caregivers who wanttoseethechildsucceedandbeashealthyaspossible.Ourphysical therapists,occupationaltherapists,and integratedmovementspecialists are great resources for children who are experiencing any level of developmental delays. When itcomestoprovidingthegreatesttreatmentoptionsforchildren’s care, it is important to select a care option that is not invasive, but that can provide the child with the support they need in the area they are experiencing the delay. The mind and body need to be trained and encouraged inhighlyspecificwayssothatdevelopmentcanbesupported in the areas of need. This is why our integrated care team is able to provide an ideal form of intervention for cognitive and physical developmental delays. At their appointments, your child is provided with expert care from our experienced team members who specialize in the area of need.

Early interventionsfeaturingPT,OT,andtherapeuticexercisewill include strategiestoencouragemuscledevelopment,controlextremityfunction, improve overall mobility, and enhance cognitive function. At Fitness for Health, we employ evidence-based techniques to help get your child back on the right developmental track. A strong focus of ours is “Exergaming,” a modality that combines exercise, technology, and games - - as in FUN!! When providing a treatment plan for a child, it is important that all methods are focused around creativity and fun. When a child is having fun, they become engaged and are able to learn better. Exergaming is instrumental in making our services a success, as it helps children focus on movement while simultaneously helping in the development of motor and cognitive skills. If you have a child who is lagging developmentally (or you think they might be), don’t hesitate to contact Fitness for Health today. We’ll help get them back on track!


KID’S COOKING CORNER Frozen Fruit Yogurt Pops!

• 1/4 cup white sugar • 8 small paper cups • 8 popsicle sticks

• 2 cups fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and sliced bananas, mixed • 2 cups plain or vanilla yogurt

Directions Placethemixedblueberries,raspberries,strawberries,slicedbananas,yogurt, and sugar into a blender. Cover, and blend until fruit is chunky or smooth, as desired. Fill paper cups 3/4 full with fruit mixture. Cover the top of each cup with a strip of aluminum foil. Poke a popsicle stick through the center of the foil on each cup. Place the cups in the freezer for at least 5 hours. To serve, remove foil and peel off the paper cup.

EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Use This Exercise to Encourage Your Child’s Mobility & Development

EXERGAMING Featured Technology

Exergaming combines the fun of video games, cutting-edge, high-techequipment,andothercreative toolswithproven fitness tactics — such as heart-pumping movement or core building balance—tohelpchildrenandadultsbuildtheirstrength, fitness, and self-confidence while having the most fun possible. With Exergaming, our clients have so much fun that they often forgetor fail torealize that they’realsoworkingout.Theboredom or intimidation that may come with traditional workouts tends to disappear. Children and adults alike are inspired to keep going and to take new risks, and are excited to return for each session. Call (301) 231-7138 to find how Exergaming can help you!

Crab Walk Have your child prop up on their hands and feet facing upwards. Encourage your child to bridge hips in the air (having them have a toy on hips can help). Encourage your child to walk sideways like a crab, alternating their opposite arm and leg to walk.

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing. Exercisescopyrightof

WHAT’S HAPPENING! Call 301-231-7138 today to RSVP to any of our events: SUMMER PROGRAM OPEN HOUSE: B SOCIAL TEAM BUILDING SUMMER PROGRAM FOR ADOLESCENTS WITH SOCIAL CHALLENGES (Ages 11-16) Feb 23 @ 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Parents and potential B Social attendees can come learn about our summer program, which focuses on developing your adolescent’s social competency throughdirect instruction,coaching, and opportunities to practice learned skills in a dynamic environment. Visit for more information about our B Social Team Building Summer Program.



Come tour our state-of-the-art facility while your children get to work out with our integrated movementspecialists. Learnhowouroccupational therapists, physical therapists, and integrated movementspecialistscanhelpyourchildtoimprove their levels of self-esteem, self-confidence, and motor functions. We hold an Open House on the firstSundayofeachmonth from5–6PM. Please RSVP at SOCIAL FITNESS CLUB Tuesdays, Feb 3 - Apr 7 & Apr 14 - June 16 • 5:00 PM – 6:20 PM • $100 per 80-minute session •Ages 18 – 25 Led by Ethan Ulanow, LMSW, our Social Fitness Club social skills program combines traditional group therapy with innovative exercise technology to enable and reinforce skills used in real-world situations. For more information, contact Ethan at

PROGRAM (Ages 4-10) Feb 23 @ 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Parents and potential B Social summer program attendees can come learn about our B Social Therapeutic Summer Program which integrates social cognitive thinking with motor activities. Conceptswillbe introduced inafunandmotivating way encouraging participants to explore and improve their social thinking skills and motor development. Your children will get to try things out and have a blast! Visit for more information about our B Social Therapeutic Summer Program.

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