FitnessForHealth_Reaching Milestones


When delays are present, whether they are cognitive or physical, they can become a great source of stress for parents and caregivers who wanttoseethechildsucceedandbeashealthyaspossible.Ourphysical therapists,occupationaltherapists,and integratedmovementspecialists are great resources for children who are experiencing any level of developmental delays. When itcomestoprovidingthegreatesttreatmentoptionsforchildren’s care, it is important to select a care option that is not invasive, but that can provide the child with the support they need in the area they are experiencing the delay. The mind and body need to be trained and encouraged inhighlyspecificwayssothatdevelopmentcanbesupported in the areas of need. This is why our integrated care team is able to provide an ideal form of intervention for cognitive and physical developmental delays. At their appointments, your child is provided with expert care from our experienced team members who specialize in the area of need.

Early interventionsfeaturingPT,OT,andtherapeuticexercisewill include strategiestoencouragemuscledevelopment,controlextremityfunction, improve overall mobility, and enhance cognitive function. At Fitness for Health, we employ evidence-based techniques to help get your child back on the right developmental track. A strong focus of ours is “Exergaming,” a modality that combines exercise, technology, and games - - as in FUN!! When providing a treatment plan for a child, it is important that all methods are focused around creativity and fun. When a child is having fun, they become engaged and are able to learn better. Exergaming is instrumental in making our services a success, as it helps children focus on movement while simultaneously helping in the development of motor and cognitive skills. If you have a child who is lagging developmentally (or you think they might be), don’t hesitate to contact Fitness for Health today. We’ll help get them back on track!


KID’S COOKING CORNER Frozen Fruit Yogurt Pops!

• 1/4 cup white sugar • 8 small paper cups • 8 popsicle sticks

• 2 cups fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and sliced bananas, mixed • 2 cups plain or vanilla yogurt

Directions Placethemixedblueberries,raspberries,strawberries,slicedbananas,yogurt, and sugar into a blender. Cover, and blend until fruit is chunky or smooth, as desired. Fill paper cups 3/4 full with fruit mixture. Cover the top of each cup with a strip of aluminum foil. Poke a popsicle stick through the center of the foil on each cup. Place the cups in the freezer for at least 5 hours. To serve, remove foil and peel off the paper cup.

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