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http://1sudoku.com The Most Effective Relief For Neck Pain (Continued)
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7 2 or too hard will lead to neck pain. Oftentimes, this pain will appear to be chronic,asthesleeping issue is likelysomethingthatyouexperienceday after day, causing the pain to return regularly. It may be helpful to rule out sleeping concerns as a reason behind your neckpainbyassessingyoursleepingconditionsandmakinganychanges that you think may be necessary. Adjust howmany pillows you sleep on, the position you sleep in or even your mattress! Formoresupport infindingrelief fromneckpain,talktoyourphysicaltherapist at Johnson Physical Therapy by calling 970.564.0311 today! 9 4 9 8 2 1 4 3 9 8 5 1 2 3 6
Celebrating Our Anniversary! Johnson Physical Therapy & Rehab PC celebrated their 17th year in business in July! In 2002, Najib Johnson PT MTC and Julie Carpenter OTR opened Johnson PT. We started out as a 2 person therapy clinic, providing comprehensive outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy in a 2,000 square foot clinic. We now have 11 employees including 5 physical therapists, 1 physical therapy assistant, 2 occupational therapists and 3 front office staff and have expanded our space to over 4,000 square feet. We proudly serve Montezuma County and surrounding communities providing unmatched care with our experience and expertise. Each of our staff has a unique set of skills to assist our patients in achieving a successful and pleasant rehabilitation experience. We are looking forward to another 17 years! Finally,neckpain issometimescausedbyradiculopathy,whichrefersto pressureor irritation inthenervesoftheneck,whichalterstheelectrical signals in the neck, causing you to feel more pain throughout the day. Physicaltherapycanhelpreducethepressureand irritationsurrounding the nerves, often offering immediate relief from pain and discomfort. These are just some of the frequent causes of neck pain. It is important that you never assume that your neck pain is being caused by one or anotherofthese issues,andthatyou insteadalwaysworkwitha licensed and experienced physical therapist to determine the precise cause of your pain and discomfort. Is Your Neck Pain Caused by Sleep Issues? There isonemorefactorthatoften isnotspokenabout,but it’safrequent causeofneckpainanddiscomfort:sleeping issues.Sometimes,sleeping in a certain position or sleeping on a mattress or pillow that is too soft
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Exercise Essentials
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Single Knee to Chest Lieflatonyourbackwithbothkneesbent, feetflatonfloor. Bringonekneeup towardyourchestashighasyoucan, using your arms to gently pull knee further. Repeat 6-10 times on each leg.
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