Elder Care Firm September 2018

Plan. Protect. Preserve.

OFFICES: Brighton | Bloomfield Hills | Livonia | Novi


I’d love to be able to tell you that when I wasn’t learning, I was exploring Chicago in search of the best hot dogs and deep-dish pizza, but I think I was in bed by 8 every night. As it turns out, when you spend your days learning and you don’t have the kids keeping you energized when you get home, it’s very easy to knock out early. Now that I’m back in Michigan, I’ll devote most of my spare time to fundraising and organizing the Brighton edition of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. As I’m writing this, our team is just over the halfway line of our goal to raise $10,000 for this year’s walk. We were the top contributing team last year, and the competitive side of me wants to make sure we don’t have to hand the championship belt off to another team. Much more important than that, though, is raising as much as we can to lend a hand to the Alzheimer’s Association, which is devoted to furthering Alzheimer’s research and providing care and support for those diagnosed with the disease. As somebody who works with families planning for later-life issues, Alzheimer’s and dementia are concerns that are very close to my heart. That’s how I became involved in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s initially. I’m proud to be a board member for the Brighton edition of the event, and I strive to make every year better than the last.

of $137,000. To do that, we need your help. Whatever you can contribute, whether it be a few dollars or your time, every little bit helps. Last year, I was humbled to see so many clients, friends, and family members come out to show their support for this great cause. We are very lucky to service a community of wonderful folks who never balk at the chance to do a little good.

Chris and IRA Expert Ed Slott

School students feel the back-to-school season most keenly as their summer vacation comes to an end, but education doesn’t stop when we receive our last degrees. I’ve always believed that bettering myself as a professional requires me to constantly learn and seek out the knowledge of industry leaders. In that spirit, I recently traveled to Chicago for two days of intensive seminar with IRA expert Ed Slott. It was an incredibly informative couple of days, which ended with all of the guests receiving the required certification to join Mr. Slott’s Elite Advisors group. The seminar felt like cramming at least half a semester’s worth of learning into two seven-hour sessions. The first day focused on the nitty-gritty of IRAs while the second was centered on Roth conversions and other retirement distribution topics.

This year’s walk will be held on Sept. 29 . Registration begins at 9 a.m. at Brighton Mill Pond. You can go to AlzElderCare.com to join our team. All ages and fitness levels are welcome, and every little bit helps. Thank you so much to everybody who contributed to previous years’ walks, as well as everyone who signed up for this year. We’re entering the home stretch, and I’m grateful for all of your energy and enthusiasm. It means more to me than I could ever express. – Christopher J. Berry

Our goal for the walk this year is to sign up over 1,000 walkers and top our donation total

This year’s walk will be held on Sept. 29. Registration begins at 9 a.m. at Brighton Mill Pond. You can go to AlzElderCare.com to join our team. All ages and fitness levels are welcome, and every little bit helps.

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career. Perhaps you were once a chess fanatic, and today you find your board gathering dust from lack of use. Now is the perfect time to rediscover those once- beloved activities. WHAT HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO DO? Discovering new hobbies is just as rewarding as rekindling old ones. Have you ever heard about a pastime and thought, “I’d love to do that, if only I had the time”? Former NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe opened a winery after retiring from football. While you probably don’t have the financial resources of a professional athlete, there’s nothing stopping you from pursuing a newfound passion at the same velocity as the footballs Bledsoe threw. IS THERE A CAUSE YOU WANT TO SUPPORT? Volunteer work can be incredibly fulfilling, especially when you have the time and energy to devote to it. Many older adults find that giving back to the community adds meaning and purpose to their lives. The best way to figure out how to donate your time is to think about a cause dear to your heart. From there, find a reputable organization that supports said cause, and see what you can do to help. NEW AND REDISCOVERED PASSIONS IN LATER LIFE AGuide to Picking a Post-Career Hobby more into the fitness than the medical supplies,” he recalls. “Eventually, I decided I would be more fulfilled by working at the box. I experienced the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for myself and wanted to spread that knowledge with others.” As the box has grown, John has been amazed by the community of members. “We have members that have been with us for over 10 years. At this point, everyone knows that the science behind CrossFit is sound, but it’s the people that really make us special.” He also enjoys seeing people take to the system and get results. “The biggest misconception about CrossFit is that it’s too hard for regular people. Once people try it for themselves, they realize it works for people of all ability levels and is a ton of fun.” When he’s not busy at CrossFit Brighton, John enjoys traveling with his wife, Julie. “More than anything, we like to spend time with our two grandkids.” Recently, John has also adopted a passion he shares with Chris: cooking in a pellet smoker. “I’ve done some ribs and pork shoulder, which came out phenomenal. My next goal is to tackle brisket. Chris and I have been trading tips and recipes, so I’m excited to see what he comes up with next.” We are honored to work with and share a community with incredible people like John. If you’re looking for the best box — don’t say “gym” — in the area, look no further than CrossFit Brighton. MEET JOHN TAMER Head Coach and Manager at CrossFit Brighton Retirement is the perfect opportunity to throw yourself head-first into something you’re passionate about. So what are you waiting for?

Aside from financial concerns, the No. 1 question that most impending and recent retirees struggle to answer is how they will fill up all their time. While spending time with family and relaxing are priorities for most folks entering the post-career chapter of their lives, these aren’t enough to fill up the bulk of your newly acquired free time. Cultivating a hobby is a great use of your time at any age, but especially during retirement. As Dick Van Dyke once said, “To me, retirement means doing what you have fun doing.” Here are three questions to help you discover a hobby that’s right for you. DO YOU HAVE A DORMANT PASSION? Work has a tendency to put our other interests on the back burner. Maybe you painted for pleasure during college but put the canvas away to focus on your

John Tamer has been a friend of Chris and Rochelle ever since they began working out at CrossFit Brighton. Founded in 2008, CrossFit Brighton was the third official CrossFit affiliate in Michigan, long before the workout methodology became a phenomenon. “My brother, Chris, was a professional hockey player,” John says. “When he was introduced to CrossFit, he immediately saw its potential. After he retired from playing, he opened up a box here in Brighton.” At the time, John was working as a medical device salesman. There was an extra room in the box, so he decided to move his office there, which began his transition to becoming a full-time head coach and manager. “I realized I was

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AMental Accounting Trick to Measure Cost

Whenever a person makes a purchase, they have to answer a simple question: Is it worth it? While the market does the job of setting prices and determining one type of value, a purchase’s worth to you will depend on your financial situation. We pay for everything in the same dollars, but those dollars signify different things to different people. One easy way to assess whether or not you should make a purchase is to convert dollars into work hours.

week of the year) and then again by 40 (for each hour of a typical work week) and you get roughly $36 per hour worked. Thinking about money this way ties it to something tangible, rather than being purely abstract. It also accounts for the fact that purchasing power depends on personal income. If a fancy meal represents 10 work hours to you, you may want to dine out less than if it only counts for half that. While this is one way to think about the value of a dollar, it’s far from the only one. Nobel Prize-winning economist Richard Thaler coined the term “mental accounting” to describe the way we categorize our economic decisions. Mental accounting helps explain why we’re more likely to spend birthday money rather than a hard-earned paycheck on an extravagance. It also elucidates why people tend to save more when they stick to a prescribed budget. When you think of $300 per month as your food budget rather than just money, you’re much more likely to spend it how you intend to. From a purely market-centric perspective, every dollar is worth the same. The problem with that thinking is that none of us live in the markets. We live in the real world, where our lives and finances are intrinsically linked. So next time you’re faced with a tough buying decision, don’t ask, “Is it worth it?” Ask, “Is it worth it to me ?”

For the sake of easy math, let’s say you make $100,000 per year. Once Uncle Sam takes his cut, you net around $75,000. Divide that number by 52 (for each

Chris’ Paleo Corner:


Thank You!

For us to be able to help family and friends just like you, we depend on referrals.

When it comes to eating paleo, side dishes are almost always a bigger challenge than mains. If you’re in need of a flavorful vegetable dish, check out this recipe for spicy, savory cauliflower.

Thank you to the following people for your support!



1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together coconut oil, spices, garlic, and water. 3. Lay cauliflower across a large baking sheet, season with salt and pepper, and top with mixture. 4. Roast for 30 minutes, garnish with basil, and serve.

• 1 head cauliflower, cut into florets • 2 tablespoons coconut oil • 1 teaspoon turmeric • 1/2 teaspoon cumin • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper • 1 clove garlic, minced • 2 tablespoons water • Chopped fresh basil, to garnish

Carrie Akin Heather Jackson Donald Milner

Inspired by PaleoHacks

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8550 Grand River Ave., Ste. 200 Brighton, MI 48116 888-390-4360 www.MichiganEstatePlanning.com


INSIDE This Issue

On Your Marks, Get Set, Walk PAGE 1

What Have You Always Wanted to Do? PAGE 2

Spotlight on John Tamer PAGE 2

A Valuable Mental Accounting Tip PAGE 3

Roasted Turmeric Cauliflower PAGE 3

Why Labor Day Is Indebted to the Pullman Strike PAGE 4


How a Railroad Protest Laid the Foundation for a National Holiday Today, Labor Day mostly means a day off and the closure of public pools. But when In response, the workers began a strike on May 11, 1894. As the event ramped up, it gained the support of the powerful American Railway Union (ARU). But Pullman, stubborn as he was, barely acknowledged the strike was happening, and he refused to meet with the organizers.

it was first created, it was a president’s desperate attempt to curb the tension after one of the most violent strike breakups in American history. In the late 19th century, the workers of the Pullman Company, which manufactured luxury train cars,

The tension increased when Eugene Debs, the president of the American Railway Union, organized a boycott of all trains that included Pullman cars. The strike continued to escalate until workers and Pullman community members managed to stop the trains from running. Eventually, President Grover Cleveland sent in soldiers to break up the strike. Violence ensued, with soldiers making a great effort to quell the strike at its core. By the time the violence ended, 30 people had lost their lives and an estimated $80 million in damages had been caused throughout the town. A few months later, President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a federal holiday. Many experts believe that this act was an effort to build rapport among his pro-labor constituents after handling the incident so poorly.

all lived in a company-owned town. George Pullman, the owner, lived in a mansion overlooking houses, apartments, and crammed-together barracks, all of which were rented by the thousands of workers needed for the operation. For some time, the town operated without a hitch, providing decent wages for the workers while netting the higher-ups millions of dollars. But after the economic depression of the 1890s brought the country to its knees, everything changed. George Pullman slashed his workers’ wages by nearly 30 percent, but he neglected to adjust the rent on the company-owned buildings in turn. As a result, life became untenable in the town, with workers struggling to maintain the barest standards of living for themselves and their families.

This month, as you fire up the barbecue and enjoy your day off, take a moment to remember the workers who fought for labor rights in our country.

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