UCL - Head of Commercial

The Key Aims of the Estates Strategy are: - Enabling the Academic Mission and supporting change - Transforming facilities fit for world leading research and excellence in teaching and learning - Delivering an excellent student and staff experience - Transparency, accountability, integrated service delivery with efficient and effective customer service - Good custodians of the Institution’s assets - Enabling a sustainable and safe university Over recent years, acquisitions and the integration of a number of Post Graduate Institutes (previously known as the Satellite Estate) has substantially increased the scale and complexity of the estate falling within the remit of the Division.

A recent restructure of the division has established two key Leadership Team positions: • Deputy Director of Estates/Director, Major Projects is responsible for delivering a number of key major projects including UCL’s new campus at Stratford (UCL East), Dementia Research Institute and Moorfield’s Eye Hospital. • Director, Estates Development is responsible for delivering a programme of key projects primarily within UCL’s central Bloomsbury campus but additionally with a number of partner organisations including hospitals and research bodies. Estates projects range in scale, complexity and value (£½m to £500m) and must be delivered to specification, cost and time, frequently within a highly congested and busy operational environment where quality of student and staff experience throughout the works is also critical.

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