by C. Chester Larson CHRISTIAN WORKERS’ CLINIC Quo V ad is9 Sunda y School by Harold J. Sala H e n r y F o r d is credited as say ing, “ The Sunday school must be a divine institution be improve methodology in achieving the goals before us. The methodol ogy o f the 1950’s which was used in many Sunday schools during the 1960’s was antiquated in its time. It is obsolete today!
cause no other institution so poor ly organized And run would have survived for so long.” His re marks are a sad commentary on many schools today. Many prophets o f gloom are predicting that the Sunday school has run its course, and that the 1970’s will certainly see its de mise. They fortify their Dixonian predictions with not a few statis tics from main line denominations indicating that Sunday school at tendance has steadily declined in the 1960’s. Are they simply misty-eyed pessimists or must we face the facts and acknowledge that the Sunday school is not getting the job done? Many Sunday schools have two primary goals: introducing men and women, boys and girls to Je sus Christ, and then teaching the Word of God. Yet those same schools are miserably failing to accomplish their objectives. They are like a farmer who sets out with a hand sickle to harvest a Kansas wheat field, or like a boy with a B-B gun who stalks an ele phant. Our goals are right, but our methods are antiquated. We are a generation behind the times when it comes to effective teach ing. Today we stand excitedly on the threshhold of a new decade, and peering into the unknown ask, “Will the Sunday school sur vive, and if so, what will be the condition of the Sunday school by 1980, i f trends continue?” The answer to that question lies in our ability to shift gears and
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During the 1960’s, scientific technology and electronics com pletely revolutionized industry. The transistor, the computer, the integrated circuit, data process ing, microfilm imagery, and a host of other aids transformed the business world. They can do the same thing for the Sunday school during the 1970, provided we have the mental flexibility to real ize we need to revise our methods and can use these God-given tools to fulfill the Great Commission and teach the Word of God in relevant ways so that hearts and lives become vitally effected. The successful Sunday School of the 1970’s will be the Sunday school that changes its methods. Instead o f having a teacher take an attendance book and spend five minutes of precious teaching time marking an “ A ” or “ P ” after pen ciled names on the class roll, the teacher can utilize data process ing and determine not only wheth er or not a student is present, but how many times he has been ab sent in a quarter and whether or not the student is preparing his lesson with regularity. Instead of having teachers tell a story as they did thirty years ago, that teacher can illustrate the story by using an overhead projector, or split frame 35’s, or a host o f other audio-visuals. Let’s face it : we live in the lat ter third of the twentieth century in a world bombarded with elec tronic equipment. The child of to-
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