Bethel Colony

Substance A Christian answer to alcohol, drug, and substance abuse for the addicted seeking freedom. We are a Bible teaching ministry for those who are interested in a Christian approach to treating substance abuse and alcoholism. We teach the addicted that there is victory through Jesus Christ and the truths of the Bible. Our addiction treatment center offers classroom teaching, workbooks, audio tapes, personal counseling, and worship services. Bethel’s treatment center is primarily designed to produce in each man a more effective lifestyle in which he allows Jesus Christ to take control of his life to achieve victory over addictions. After completing and submitting your application either by phone, online, or fax:We will need the results of two blood tests (HIV and TB) and the $250.00 Entry Fee before you will be called to come to Bethel. Once entered into the program this Entry Fee is non- refundable.From time to time there is money given specifically to be put in a scholarship fund for those who have no way to pay the full Entry Fee. However, if money is available and you qualify to receive help you will be requested to make a partial payment. If you need more information on this you will need to contact the Office Manager at 828-754-3781 after submitting your application.

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