Bethel Colony


1. Morning classroom Bible Teaching.

2. Cassette tape teaching 3 afternoons a week (Charles Stanley and others). 3. A six book Bible study series from the Navigators Studies in Christian Living. 4. Individual Christian counseling by a trained staff counselor. Homework is then assigned on an individual basis according to a person’s individual needs. 5. A 59 page 3-ring notebook is given to each man consisting of three parts. (A) guidelines, visitation rules, daily schedule (B) prayers: model spiritual warfare prayers are included and each man is required to read them each at least once a day and encouraged to incorporate them in his private praying. (C) helps: Scriptures for sin problems including such articles as “Knowing God’s Will”, “Confession”, “Total Commitment to Jesus Christ”, “Are You Taking Possession of What God Has Given You?”, and “Should a Christian Drink?”. 6. Section C of the notebook also contains a sheet on moral inventory in which each man is asked to evaluate himself weekly, to help him see how he is progressing. Pages are included which define the terms more clearly for him. 7. Daily Work Projects: Each man must consent to working before coming. Work projects are assigned after morning class and continue until lunch, and from lunch until 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. 9. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings, one of the following is held: (A) Classroom Teaching (B) Evening Worship Service (C) Video Teaching Tape (Includes written tape response) 10. Recreation includes basketball, volleyball, softball, horseshoes, occasional hike, T.V. (with viewing limited to sports, news, nature and religion.) 8. Sunday Morning Worship Service: 11:00 a.m.

11.Volunteer Prayer Groups are encouraged on evenings when other activities are not scheduled and as students desire.

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