Bethel Colony

HOW MUCH MONEY CAN I BRING? All of your basic needs are met while at Bethel Colony of Mercy. There is a canteen on campus where you may purchase soft drinks, candy, popcorn, and other snacks. $20.00 should be sufficient. If you want to bring more than that, there is a safe available, but we do not recommend that you bring large sums of money. WHAT KIND OF CLOTHES SHOULD I BRING? You will need work clothes (clothes, including shoes, that you don’t mind getting dirty) and dress clothes for church services. Suits are not necessary for church, but nice shirts and slacks are recommended. No slogans about beer, bars, drugs, sex, women, tobacco, music or anything that is contrary to a Christian lifestyle will be allowed.. WHAT PERSONAL ITEMS SHOULD/CAN I BRING? You should bring the following items: • A Bible (if you have one) • Towels and washcloths (use a laundry marker to identify them) • Pillow • Personal toiletries such as shaving cream, razor blades, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc. • Clothing with slogans about beer, bars, drugs, sex, women, tobacco, music or anything that is contrary to a Christian lifestyle • Radios, stereos, walkmans or tape decks of any size, beepers, pagers, cell phones or any other electronic device • Magazines, books, audio tapes, video tapes, video games or playing cards • Caffeinated drinks including coffee • Over the counter medications You may not bring the following: • Cologne or mouthwash that contains alcohol • Aerosol sprays

DOES THE PROGRAM REALLY WORK? If you really want to change your life then Bethel Colony of Mercy is the place foryou. It is not the program that works; it is Jesus Christ that works in and through you to change your life for all eternity! You just need to be willing. CAN I SMOKE WHILE AT BETHEL COLONY OF MERCY? Cigarette smoking is strongly discouraged ; however, it is allowed in designated areas and at designated times only. Manufactured Cigarettes only; vapes, e-cigs, roll your own or any other form of tobacco are not allowed. WHAT FORMS OF RECREATION DO YOU HAVE? There is a gymnasium for basketball and a weight room. We have volleyball, shuffle board, and horseshoes. Board games are available in the library. Softball is often played on Sunday afternoons at a nearby field. Selected television viewing is available at designated times.

Victory Through Christ

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