Bethel Colony

HISTORY Bethel Colony of Mercy was founded in 1948 by Mr. and Mrs. James N. Claffee as a non-profit, non- denominational, Christian ministry to men in bondage to alcohaol and/or drug addiction. Bethel Colony has offered help to thousands of men from all walks of life. Having received new life in Christ, scores have experienced restored health, renewed minds, redeemed reputations and reunited families.

PURPOSE The purpose of Bethel Colony is best summarized in our slogan, “Victory Through Christ.” God has provided the cross of Jesus Christ as the only true escape from bondage. At Bethel Colony we seek to point men to the reality of the indwelling Christ as the present Savior from sin and His provision of the Holy Spirit who transforms men in every area of life.

LOCATION Bethel Colony of Mercy is located on State Route 18 North in Lenoir, North Carolina. It consists of a complex of modest, attractive buildings overlooking the peaceful Blue Ridge Mountains. The facility includes a chapel, administrative offices, gym, weight room, recreation areas and student dorms.

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