
day philosopher John Lennon, OK, so this is

It isnot everyday thatwe receive apress

Christmas, and what have you done?

release from an evergreen. So, for obvious


reasons, we were compelled to share this

Next week: Santa, Ole Buddy, Ole Pal.

plea from a Christmas tree.

“Since my life began as a seedling years

ago, I haveexistedforoneprimarypurpose


- tospread joyandholidaycheerduring the

Christmas season. Being the center of


A plea from your tree

go up and come down, but are you aware


of just howbriefmy life cycle is? It all starts

electronic alternatives are prevalent in their

and can even be used to create feeding

withmy production in a nursery," says the

lives, according to a release.

grounds for lake fish. Christmas trees aren’t



About 75 per cent of Canadians are

just a symbol for cheer and tradition; we can

"When I’m old enough, I’m cut down,

planning to send an average of 20 cards this

be recycledtohavea tangible, positiveeffect

fastened to a vehicle and transported to the

year, compared to 80% sending 19 cards in

on the environment long after the holiday

home of a loving family where I’m


season is over.”

decorated and put on display. For the



For more information on Christmas tree

duration of the holiday season, I’m the

receivingholidaycards in themailwith two

recycling programs in your community, or

main feature of family gatherings and I

Area recycling programs may be

thirds suggesting it had much stronger

more ways to help you reduce waste and

always take centre stage on Christmas

undergoing an overhaul within the next

meaning than an electronic alternative.




morning. Butwhentheholidayseasonends

few years.

Three quarters of them were planning to

consult or contact

and Christmas decorations are put back in

The closure of municipal recovery

send cards in the mail. Comparatively,

your municipality.

storage, I’ll be left out in the cold," tree

facilities (MRF) in favour of more cost-

Canadians between 35 and44 admitted that

Sticking with the green Christmas


efficient regional services is a suggestion

they would most likely send cards

movement, we are often stumped when it

It gets worse.

contained in a study conducted for the

electronically, mainly due to lack of time.

comes to finding that truly unique, perfect

"The final stage of my life will involve

Waste Diversion Office. Five MRFs —

(See?)”Sending cards to loved ones is a

present for the person who has everything.

being sent to a landfill where I’ll slowly

Alexandria, Cornwall, Kingston, Ottawa


In addition to more warehouse space for all


Valley and Winchester – were evaluated.

Senior Vice President, Mail at Canada Post.

of their possessions, time is always

to meet a fiery death! I’m speaking out to

Thestudyrecommendedclosingof smaller

“Even as social media and electronics are

appreciated by those who have it all.

say that it doesn’t have to end like this.

and “inappropriately located” MRFs and

integral to our lives, we become rather

Time is a commodity that can only be


creating larger regional MRFs including

traditional when it comes to the holiday

spent; it cannot be saved. Time flies, even

tree this year, but many don’t recognize

transfer stations.

season. It is the one time of year when you

whenyouarenot having fun.When it comes

that I and thousands of my fellow tree

A transition period of five to ten years

get to take a few minutes to connect with

to clothing, a stitch in time can save public

friends can be recycled and put to greater

would be provided to allow for the

people around you and taking the time to

embarrassment. But we digress. Everyone

use. Adding to this bad news for us trees,

regionalization of services and the

sendacardstill is consideredthebestway to

uses a lack of time as an excuse. You could

one in three Canadians aren’t even sure if a

establishment of transfer stations for the

show you care.”

have brokeredworld peace, cured diseases,

tree recycling program exists in their

collection of waste that would be later

Greeting cards’ lasting effect: Those

learned brain surgery, got a better haircut,

community! To my relief and that of

transported to the new regional facilities.

who received greeting cards admitted that

but you had no time.



they either displayed them (32%) then

the country, there are ways we can be re-

In the cards

by Clayton Sampson of the Continuous

recycled them (25%), saved them as

For many of us, Christmas is still in the

usedlongafter theholidayseasonhas come

Improvement Fund of Stewardship

keepsakes (25%), use themfor crafts (8%) or

cards, the greetings we send and receive.

and gone. The best thing to do with your


tree ornaments/gift tags (6%).

The second annual survey conducted by

tree afterChristmashaspassed is to recycle

The study did not include the new

Good intentions, lack of time: 1 in 5

Harris/Decima on behalf of Canada Post

it. You can recycle me through tree

Recycle-Action recycling centre in

Canadians admitted that they bought

shows that greeting cards continue to be an

mulching and recycling programs, which

Hawkesbury. The non-profit organization

holiday cards with the intention of sending

essential traditionduring the holidays - and

are both fast-growing practices across

has recently signed agreements to sort

them but never got around to it.

one that permeates through younger

Canada. Once trees are recycled, we can be

recyclable materials from Alfred-

Pay it forward effect: 14% of Canadians

generations, even if social media and

turned into erosion barriers, gardenmulch


said that in the past two years they sent

East Hawkesbury.


Another recommendation of the study

they receivedone. And, of course, the gift of

is that money from the Continuous

perspective isalwayshandy.Amonthago, a

Improvement Fund would no longer be

harried consumer, consumed by the whole

used to support local projects and that

experience of being harried, lamented she

these funds would be used to implement

had less than twomonths to prepare for the

Comment parler à un homme de son comportement violent tout en s’assurant que se soit sécuritaire d’intervenir? Après avoir reconnu les signes avertisseurs de violence, penser aux suggestions suivantes avant d’aborder l’agresseur • Choisir le bon moment et le bon endroit pour avoir une longue conversation. • Discuter avec lui quand il est calme. • Être direct-e et clair-e sur ce que vous avez constaté. • Lui dire qu’il est responsable de son comportement. Éviter de porter des jugements sur lui en tant que personne. Ne pas valider sa tentative de rejeter le blâme sur d’autres person nes. • Lui dire que la violence est inacceptable et qu’il doit mettre fin à cette violence. • Ne pas le forcer à changer ou à obtenir de l’aide, mais l’encourager à le faire. • Lui dire que la sécurité de sa partenaire et des enfants vous préoccupe. • Ne jamais vous disputer avec lui à propos de son comportement violent. Les méthodes de confrontation et d’argumentation risquent d’aggraver la situation et de faire courir davantage de risques à la femme. • Appeler la police si la sécurité de la femme est en danger. Ne jamais intervenir au cours d’une agression. Si vous êtes témoin d’un acte de violence, composez le 911 ou appelez la police locale.

How to Talk to MenWho are Abusive?

regional projects.

season of love and joy. It’s the Holidays!

Take a holiday!Or, to quote that modern-

Two candidates

Here is what you can do when you recognize the warning signs of abuse:


for mayor

• Choose the right time and place to have a full discussion. • Approach him when he is calm. • Be direct and clear about what you have seen. • Tell him his behaviour is his responsibility. Avoid making judgmental comments about him as a person. Don’t validate his attempt to blame others for his behaviour.


Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131



Two council members are facing off in


the race to succeed Grant Crack as North

Glengarry Township mayor.

Deputy Mayor Chris McDonell and

AlexandriaCouncillorJamieMacDonald are

on the ballot for the January 16 by-election

that will be held to fill the vacancy created

• Inform him that his behaviour needs to stop.


Russell M.P.P. Bob Proulx, who challenged

• Don’t try to force him to change or to seek help.

Crack in the November, 2010 election,

withdrewhis nomination at the lastminute.

• Tell him that you are concerned for the safety of his partner and children. • Never arguewith himabout his abusive actions. Recognize that confrontational, argumentative approaches may make the situation worse and put her at higher risk.

The winner will serve as mayor until




Community Events

• Call the police if the woman’s safety is in jeopardy.

Community Breakfast

A breakfast in aid of La paroisse Saint-


Always keep yourself safe. Don’t get in the middle of an assault. Call the police in an emegency.

by the Knights of Columbus L’Ascension

council December 18 at St-Alphonse de

Liguori Church, 470MainSt.,Hawkesbury,

from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Parking is

available at École Paul VI . For information,

Daniel Léveillée at 613-632-8469. Cost: $5. Quebec Grenville VEN. ET SAM. À 6H30 ET 8H15 DIM. ET SUR SEMAINE À 7H00 DIM. MATINÉE À 1H30

Christmas Eve Service

St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church on John

Information : Fem’aide 1 877 336-2433, Centre Novas 1 866-772-9922, Maison interlude House 1 800 267-4101 ou Valoris 1 800 675-6168

Street, Hawkesbury will hold a Christmas

Eve service Saturday, December 24 at 5 p.m.

All are welcome.

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