Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide

5.1.6 Prioritize improvements supporting transit and other multimodal investments RQFRQVWUDLQHGDQGGHȴFLHQWURDGVWRUHGXFHYHKLFXODUGHPDQGDQGVXSSRUW sustainable modes of transportation.

To provide an interconnected system of safe and convenient multimodal facilities for all travel purposes, establish and maintain quality or level of service standards within the CIE for bicycle, pedestrian, transit and vehicular mobility on the multimodal transportation network.

Objective 5.2


5.2.1 Establish the multimodal levels or quality of service standards for all State and County roads on the multimodal transportation network within the CIE.

5.2.2 On a periodic basis, update the Level or Quality of Service Report to include existing and anticipated capacities, multimodal levels or quality of service and other relevant metrics and publish it for public review and use.

New development shall mitigate its impact on the multimodal transportation network.

Objective 5.3


5.3.1 Use mobility fees to help maintain the multimodal level or quality of service standards on the multimodal transportation network, pursuant to the Mobility Fee Ordinance.

5.3.2 Provide funding, as established in the County’s Transportation Mobility Fee Program ordinance, to assist the FDOT with projects within the County.

5.3.3 Implement measures to reduce average trip distance, such as additional street connectivity, fostering more local retail and service business to support a mix of land uses.

5.3.4 Consider existing and future development allowed under adopted Future Land Use Element categories in projecting future multimodal transportation needs.


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