Hillsborough Corridor Planning & Preservation Best Practices

Table 9. Indian River County Corridor Management Policies, Continued

Policy 3.2

The county shall continue to eliminate existing right-of-way deficiencies, preserve existing right-of-way, and acquire future right-of-way for all collector and arterial roadways as necessary to meet the right-of-way requirements for programmed improvements. These standards will be met by requiring appropriate land dedication through the plat and site plan review and approval processes. Dedication for right-of- way exceeding local road standards shall be compensated through traffic impact fee credits, density transfers, or purchase. The county shall acquire additional right-of-way at intersections to provide for the construction or expansion of turning lanes as needed to improve safety and traffic flow and reduce congestion. The county shall acquire right-of-way, consistent with the standards identified in Policy 3.1, to allow for landscaped open space adjacent to all rural arterial roadways and applicable urban arterial roadways. Where substantial amounts of right-of-way are required to accommodate landscaping, the county shall evaluate the need for that.

Policy 3.3

Policy 3.4

Policy 3.5

The county shall use available funds, such as one cent local option sales tax revenue, to pursue advance right-of-way acquisition.

Policy 3.6

The county shall continue to enforce the existing Subdivision Collector Map (see Figure 10) to ensure that proposed development provides for the extension of subdivision collector roadways to parcels which are presently landlocked.

Policy 3.7

To the extent allowed by law, the county shall charge fees to utility companies and other entities for use of road rights-of-way.

Policy 3.8

The county hereby adopts and shall enforce the Extended Roadway Grid Network Map. In so doing, the County shall protect right-of-way beyond the urban service area boundary by requiring appropriate land dedication through the plat and site plan review and approval process. With respect to right-of-way purchases, the county shall deliver a Notice to Owner of the county’s intent to complete a voluntary purchase, along with a written purchase offer, and attempt to negotiate a voluntary purchase for 120 days prior to assigning the matter to outside eminent domain counsel.

Policy 3.9

Source: Transportation Element, Indian River County 2030 Comprehensive Plan, 2019.


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