FMN | October 15th, 2018

New Tools Ensure Culture Of Worker Safety



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Convened by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, the OpX Leadership Network’s new Worker Safety Readiness for the CPG Industry assessment tools and leadership guidelines ensure a worker safety culture for consumer pack- aged goods companies (CPGs) and original equip- ment manufacturers (OEMs). Focus On Safety The primary focus of the document is to provide worker safety readiness assessment tools in two key areas: commitment to a culture of worker safety and development of a worker safety plan. The free re- source includes subject matter expertise from mem- bers of the OpX Leadership Network’s Worker Safety Solutions Group, as well as guidelines to evaluate electrical safety, ammonia safety and machine safe- guarding. In addition,Worker Safety Readiness for the CPG In- dustry assists CPGs and their OEMs and other suppliers in implementing best practices to mitigate conditional risks (equipment, line configuration,materials and envi- ronment) and behavioral risks (thinking, acting, choos- ing and deciding) related to worker safety. The OpX Leadership Network was founded in 2011 by PMMI to ensure CPG companies and OEMs are well-connected and well-prepared to solve common operational challenges, make smarter decisions and achieve operational excellence. The Worker Safety assessment tool, as well as other operational solutions, are available for free download at . PIA Forms Partnership With Federated Insurance Printing Industries of America has entered into a strategic partnership with Federated Insurance, a business insurance and risk management service provider. “The printing industry faces a unique set of chal- lenges when it comes to finding and securing insur- ance coverage,” said Michael Makin, President & CEO of Printing Industries of America. “The expen- sive equipment and potentially hazardous working conditions make it difficult to secure quality cover- age and customer service.Through this partnership, Federated has committed to understanding the needs of our industry and helping our members navigate the complexities of insurance coverage and risk management.”

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