Abbey SIP 2019-20 v1.2

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


Intervention review; Develop in-house Sp&L; Parental workshop (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : JS


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale . To review the interventions provided by school staff to support the learning and SEMH needs of both SEND children and children identified for support on the Provision Map. Check interventions against EEF, local Inclusion support recommendations and draw upon wider staff knowledge to ensure the most efficient and effective practice is shared, used and understood.

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do? Review and then refine the number of ‘ evidence based ’ interventions available in school identifying the most effective with the greatest impact. Review the SEND maths interventions and, where applicable, include more opportunities to enhance children ’ s visualisation skills through the use of concrete and pictorial resources. Incorporate on the provision map where an intervention will take place to reduce / limit the disruption to children ’ s learning Implement a workshop for teachers to inform their knowledge and understanding of the interventions available which will enable children to be selected for intervention appropriate to their needs.

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? Staff will be able to access a smaller list of ‘ evidence based ’ interventions to identify the best support to meet children ’ s individual needs. Children will have more opportunities to enhance their visualisation skills and therefore, increase their maths understanding and ability to work more independently. The proportion of pupils working at BARE reduces (compare 18-19 to 19-20)

Time scale for completion



Autumn Term


Children will be able to access an intervention with limited disruption to their learning.

Teachers will have an increased understanding of the interventions available most suited to meet the individual needs of each child. Provision mapping is sharpened to meet the needs of all.

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