Abbey SIP 2019-20 v1.2

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


Rights, respecting schools; Embed well-being & mental health work; SRE 2020 (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : TF


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale .

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do?

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? Staff have an understanding of the bigger picture and understand the end goal. They will know about the resources that they can access that help them deliver this.

Time scale for completion



Staff training with A Vickers – lead on the award

To achieve the Rights Respecting Schools Award


A Vickers and all staff

The school ’ s UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award threads through the whole school. It will help develop pupils ’ acceptance of difference and diversity, and provides them with a strong moral compass

Staff and pupil survey to be conducted during Summer Term 2019 in readiness for the launch in September


AIS/AJS staff and pupils

Involving all staff and a use of a shared language aides ’ consistency across the Federation.

Use of a shared Language (right, responsibility, respect)

Shared language for class rules ensures that all staff are using a consistent approach Involving children from the onset will encourage ownership and steer its development to meet the needs of our school. Mission statement/script helps staff articulate this to pupils and parents. Parents feel involved and understand the aims of the school Children have involvement in charity work and see how to support global issues. They understand the collective impact of their involvement in charity work A display ensures that all visitors, staff and children regularly see the aims of RRS award and the benefits it has to the school


All staff

Class rules and terminology – AV to send the template to all staff before whole school transition day – guidance on a class activity. Preparation for September. Staff to display in a prominent position. Steering group – UNICEF school council, friendship buddies and involvement with children

09/10 ongoing

RK and AV

TF and AV


Embed into collective worship & PSHE programme


Develop a web-page as part of the ‘ class pages ’ section detailing the journey to inform parents and stakeholders. Staff to be aware that there a natural links with Religious Education and British Values and where possible make links to RRS.



School achieves RRS award.

Set up a prominent display in school – that all staff, visitors and children can

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