Abbey SIP 2019-20 v1.2

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Initiatives are co-led by SMT, subject leads and that UPS staff drive leaders ’ ambition for the changes to provision. UPS staff are instrumental in ensuring a consistent message of provision is enacted in their classroom/phases.

Ensure that UPS staff contribute fully to the learning culture within school by enacting the UPS standards consistently and fully.

Strengthen the opportunities and expectations of the UPS staff so that the standards are fully met consistently well.

By PM set-up meetings through reviews and next steps planning by 31/10


UPS staff engagement activity to create an ‘ Abbey UPS ’ shared understanding and agreement of expectations.

Develop the formal opportunities for all staff to communicate positive comments, queries or concerns to inform the learning culture within school.

Add a regular agenda item to phases whereby staff have the opportunity to communicate positive comments, queries or concerns. Ensure that SMT relay these to senior leaders and where a response is needed to phase or all staff, ensure that these are addressed though either whole staff, phase or weekly briefings. RK to attend phases, once per half-term, as a further opportunity to ensure clarity and opportunity of and for communication.

All stakeholders have a greater opportunity to work two-way communication with colleagues and senior leaders.

In place for first phase

meeting of the academic year.

Mis-conceptions, queries, concerns are dealt with sensitively and openly to ensure a consistent message about the learning culture and intentions of leaders

All staff increase their professional accountability for ensuring that colleagues support, challenge and communicate openly.

All staff to accept and take responsibility for their role in developing a culture of open communication and positive action

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions

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