Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20
Consolidation of the CPA approach to teaching mastery (click here to return to summary)
Lead Person : NR
Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale . To ensure all mathematics lessons have a structure of concrete, pictorial and abstract in all lessons and for all children.
Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do? Subject lead and class teachers to work collaboratively to revise the structure of the planning in order for CPA to happen daily.
Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? There will be consistency in the use of children ’ s understanding of maths with resources to scaffold their learning.
Time scale for completion
NR class teachers
To use the Anthony Reddy training, NCETM training and Planning folder
Children will be able to explain and reason more effectively as learning and vocabulary is embedded.
Subject lead to ensure the coverage of skills matches the needs of the children with the use of resources and scaffolding.
The majority of children will be meeting the ARE of each year group.
Half termly
Subject lead to support developing the structure of lesson.
Subject leader to consolidate the non- negotiables of a mastery sequence of lessons.
Children ’ s application and independence on problem and deeper thinking will be improved. Teacher ’ s subject knowledge will be enhanced resulting in better outcomes for the children. Children and teachers understand the sequence of learning and how it builds up on prior knowledge and understanding.
To improve the quality of teaching and learning across maths by ensuring all staff are clear and consistent about the learning journey.
Staff to ensure the unit of learning is sequenced to enable clear understanding of mathematical skills and reasoning, Through the use of Power maths, NCETM resources, White Rose, NRIch as in planning folder, Anthony Reddy training Staff to ensure that the daily lesson is structured to ensure the build-up of skills in a CPA approach. New learning verses consolidation of learning.
NR class teachers
Staff will be confident with the teaching structure and organisation.
Subject lead to present a variety of lesson structures to meet the context of learning.
Staff to use and ensure all children are using the agreed vocabulary for each unit of work and organisation of their resources.
Staff to use the vocabulary of maths. Staff to
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