GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
i8FIBWFUXPBSFOBTXIJDIBSFHFUUJOH old, for example,” he said. “I don’t think we’re planning enough for the replacement of either one.” 8IBUIFXPVMEMJLFUPTFFJTUIFUPXOTIJQ TUBSUQSFQBSBUJPOXPSLUPCVJMEBGVMMTJ[FE recreation complex similar to other facilities in Clarence-Rockland and other municipali- ties. Increasing the local commercial and
industrial tax base would help to finance such a project. i8F OFFE TPNF QSPQFS JODFOUJWFT UP attract more commercial and industrial investment so we can get to a 20 per cent commercial tax base for our township,” he said. “So we can have the services for the residents without putting it on the backs of the residential taxpayers.”
Mike Tarnowski started to give serious thought about running for a seat on Russell during his time as a member of the local library board. “I’ve done lots of committee work,” Tar- nowski said during an interview, adding that his municipal committee experience includes parks and recreation and also serving as vice-chairman on the library board, where he noted some “frustrating elements” in trying to provide the complete library service he believed the township deserved. i8FIBWFHSFBUDVMUVSBMEJWFSTJUZJOPVS township,” Tarnowski said, adding that the DVSSFOUMPDBUJPOGPSUIF&NCSVOCSBODIJO one of the local schools does not serve the needs of its clientele. “The library here just does not do justice,” he said. “A public library located in an ele- mentary school is just not ideal.” Besides the cultural contribution of the public library to the community, Tarnowski decided to run for township council in this month’s election because he thinks council as a whole needs to be more accountable to the public for its decisions, and individual council members also need to be better representatives for the community. Tarnowski expressed concerns about past attendance records for people who have sat on council over the years and how
well-prepared they are on agenda items and issues when they are at council meetings. “You need to have some solid arguments ready for some of the decisions you make,” IFTBJEi8FTUJMMIBWFEPOFTPNFBNB[JOH stuff in this township over the past eight years. I just think we could do better.” Tarnowski believes his background in service management would help council with issues like recreation planning, especially in expanding the local recreation opportunities for youth. et industrielles du canton de Russell contribuera à financer les services et programmes de loisirs que méritent les résidents. —photo Gregg Chamberlain Le candidat au Conseil, Mike Tarnowski, croit que l’élargissement de l’assiette fiscale des entreprises commerciales
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Rick Kargus thinks Russell Township is at a crossroads in its economic de- velopment future and he wants to help make sure the municipality follows the right path. i8FSFBUBWFSZDSJUJDBMQIBTFJOUIJT township,” Kargus said during an interview. A resident of the Village of Russell for the past 16 years, Kargus’ background in legal matters has seen him sitting on a number of advisory boards, and during the early part of this century, providing constitutional law advice to one of the federal political parties. He’s been considering running for township council since 2003 but his work and other interests have kept him too busy until now, when the timing seems right. Kargus cited the announcement, earlier UIJTZFBS PGBO"NB[POXBSFIPVTFBOETIJQ - ping depot development located a short distance across the township boundary, be- tween Russell and Ottawa’s rural/residential BSFB5IFFDPOPNJDCFOFàUPGUIF"NB[PO outlet project will spill over into the town- ship with potential jobs for area residents, increasing the commuter traffic between Russell Township and Ottawa. Kargus sees this is a sign for the township’s own possible economic development future. i"NB[POJTOUUIFMBTUCJH DPSQPSBUF player who’s going to notice us,” Kargus said, adding the employment potential from other large companies looking at developing branch plants or service outlets, either in
Ottawa’s eastern sector or across the bound- ary and in Russell Township itself, is huge. “That’s a huge positive effect,” he said. “It’s also a huge problem, because now we’re on the map.” Kargus’ main concern is that if the mu- nicipality is not “ready to negotiate” when big corporations come looking for new in- vestment or expansion sites, then Russell Township could end up the loser, with big investors turning away from the community and looking at other sites. He believes his experience in legal matters could help the township chart the right path for a better economic future. explique sa motivation par le fait qu’il croit que la municipalité connaitra une forte croissance économique et il veut s’assurer que cette croissance est bien planifiée. —photo fournie Rick Kargus brigue un siège au conseil de la Municipalité de Russell. Il
Estelle et Roger Charlebois 11 octobre 1948 70 e Anniversaire de Mariage
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