CWU Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 2024

In addition, there is a MAS in Cultural and Environmental Resource Management degree on Friday’s action agenda. The Cultural and Environmental Resource Management (CERM) Master’s Program, which was established in 1983, is housed within the Anthropology and Geography departments in the College of the Sciences. This highly regarded program has graduated over 350 students who have gone onto successful careers in resource management, and many have pursued higher-level academic degrees. The existing Master of Science (MS) degree is a 60-credit, thesis-based degree that includes core courses and research credits. There are a sizable number of students who are interested in the professional skills that the CERM program provides but are not interested in completing a thesis or spending two years in a master’s program. For this group of students, a Master of Applied Science (MAS) program in CERM is being proposed. The MAS option can be completed in under a year, and it culminates with a practical project intended to address real-world problems in the field. Students who want to go onto doctoral study will still have the MS option but those who are seeking the practical professional skills offered by the CERM program can choose the MAS option. Adding the MAS option makes the program much more accessible by a larger collection of students, leading to expected program growth. High Impact Practices Presentation Dr. Yurim Lee, Assistant Professor, Economics, and Landen Hashimura, Economics and Public Policy student, presented to the Board on the Student Price Index. Since January of 2021, students have developed a price index to measure the cost of living for college students in Ellensburg. It has been a unique opportunity for students to engage in economic research with faculty and present their findings at professional venues. Dr. Lee explained that her motivation for the project was trying to make the topic more relatable to students and showing them that economic research is interesting. A student expenditure survey was conducted campus wide using Qualtrics. Over 700 responses were received. Expenses were divided into categories and prices for items were collected monthly. Students participate in cleaning and analyzing economic and survey data, revising surveys, writing up monthly reports, and presenting results at various professional venues. As a High Impact Practice, the project has helped students gain invaluable experience and skills to be used after graduation. Mr. Hashimura added that being a part of this project helped him form meaningful relationships with faculty and other students. He gained real skills in his field and feels like he is better prepared for real world experiences. Dr. Lee hopes that the SPI project can serve as a blueprint for High Impact Practices for other universities. Health and Safety Promotion Laura Brant, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, and John MacArthur, Director, Civil Rights Compliance/Title IX, presented to the Board on Health and Safety Promotion at CWU. Ms. Brant explained that in the Office of Civil Rights Compliance their approach is person-centered, they provide an equitable response and process, they are trauma-informed rather than victim or survivor centered, they are private, and they practice compassionate compliance. Ms. Brant went over the definitions for Title IX, Title VII, sexual misconduct, and sex or gender-based harassment or discrimination. She added that trauma-informed response includes transparency. Making sure folks understand their rights, options, and resources that are available to them is especially important. Consistent communication, whether written or verbal, is key throughout the process. The university has many supportive measures available to complainants and respondents. Some of these include: referrals to confidential resources (counseling, medical services), housing adjustments (emergency

5 Board of Trustees Minutes February 15-16, 2024

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