GWO CoHE Training Standard (Draft)V0

GWO CoHE Training Standard V0

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion or brainstorm with the participants about types of work that can be performed within each boundary.

The participants shall:

Engage in a discussion or brainstorm about types of work that can be performed within each boundary.

The instructor shall:

Present examples of situations or scenarios from a WTG environment with energised exposed electrical conductors/parts to the participants. Guide the participants to analyse the (above) situations or scenarios and ask the participants involving questions about the approach boundaries.

Note: Examples of these situations could be:

Situation 1, an Ordinary Electrical Person approaches an energised exposed electrical conductor/part: What is the term for the closest distance that an Ordinary Electrical Person can approach exposed energised conductors without an escort?

Note: Answer is the limited approach boundary.

b. For this ordinary electrical person to be able to cross the Limited Approach Boundary, what is then required? And why is this required? Note: the correct answer to question B is an escort, informed of arc flash hazards, minimum PPE for electrical work and insulated tools. Equally important are the participants reasoning behind their answers.

c. What types of work can be performed in the Limited Approach Boundary?

Situation 2, a Qualified Electrical Person is about to perform a task within the Restricted Approach Boundary of an energised exposed electrical conductor/part. For this Qualified Electrical Person to be able to enter the Restricted Approach Boundary, what is then required? And why is this required? Note: Answer: All parts of the Qualified Electrical Person that enter the Restricted Approach Boundary must be insulated from the equipment voltage. An Energised Electrical Work Permit is required to enter the Restricted Approach Boundary, unless performing switching or taking measurements.

b. What types of work can be performed in the Restricted Approach Boundary?

Note: Answer: Switching, Diagnosing and Testing.

Global Wind Organisation

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