USAP Patient Guide



GENERAL ANESTHESIA provides a total loss of consciousness, meaning you will be fully asleep. You will not be aware of any pain or feeling during your procedure. This type of anesthesia uses a combination of IV medicine (given through a tube in your vein) and gases (that you breathe through a mask or breathing tube).

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MAC (MONITORED ANESTHESIA CARE OR CONSCIOUS SEDATION) uses IV medication to help you relax and decrease pain. You will not be completely asleep, but you may sleep and will be very groggy.

REGIONAL ANESTHESIA blocks pain to a specific area of your body. You will not feel pain, but you will also not lose consciousness (you will not be fully asleep) unless other medication is used. Your anesthesia clinician will inject medication near a nerve, and you may also get other medications through an IV to help you relax. A PERIPHERAL NERVE BLOCK stops sensation through a nerve or group of nerves and is common for procedures on hands, feet, arms, legs or the face. EPIDURAL OR SPINAL ANESTHESIA is given through an injection in the spine to block pain for a large area of the body such as the abdomen, hips or legs.

Types of Anesthesia After carefully considering the type of procedure, your medical history, and any concerns you may have, your anesthesia clinician will talk to you about the type of anesthesia that is best suited for you. Please keep in mind that the type of anesthesia may be determined by your procedure, so to keep you safe there may not be a choice in the anesthesia you receive.



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