OSRPT_Getting to The Core of Back and Neck Pain

WinATriptoSan DiegothisSummer

Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

byReferringa FriendtoOSR!

Strengthens Back


DEAD BUG | HEEL TOUCHES Lie on back, hands up, knees up and engage your core. Slowly lower one heel to the ground. Alternate sides. Keep core engaged. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 5 times.

For every new patient you refer one case of life-saving water OSR WILL DONATE

For every new patient you refer one case of life-saving water OSR WILL DONATE For every new patient you refer one case of life-saving water OSR WILL DONATE For every ne patient you refer n c s f lif -s i t r


Foreverynewpatientyou refer

n your behalf, OSR will donate much-needed life-saving water to the homeless, ome-bound, and to wildre and disaster-relief eorts. Through our collaboration ith the Salvation Army, and St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance, and their cooperation ith Phoenix's Local Heat Relief Network, you can be assured your water donations will nd its way to those who need it most. D Y O U K N OW . . . H Y D R A T I O N S A F E T Y T I P S How can you join the eort? Stop into any OSR Clinic and donate today! rd ANNUAL OSR WATER DRIVE | JUNE 15 - AUG 15 $5 = 2 Cases of much needed water! On your behalf, OSR will donate much-needed life-saving water to the homeless, home-bound, and to wildre and disaster-relief eorts. Through our collaboration with the Salvation Army, and St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance, and their cooperation with Phoenix's Local Heat Relief Network, you can be assured your water donations will nd its way to those who need it most. I D Y O U K N OW . . . H Y D R A T I O N S A F E T Y T I P S How can you join the eort? Stop into any OSR Clinic and donate today! 3rd ANNUAL OSR WATER DRIVE | JUNE 15 - AUG 15 $5 = 2 Cases of much needed water! n your behalf, OSR will donate much-needed life-saving water to the homeless, ome-bound, and to wildre and disaster-relief eorts. Through our collaboration ith the Salvation Army, and St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance, and their cooperation th Phoenix's Local Heat Relief Network, you can be assured your water donations will nd its way to those who need it most. D Y U K N OW . . . Y D R A T I O N S A F E T Y T I P S How can you join the eort Stop into any OS li ic and d te t ay! r A IV | J NE - G 2 ses of much ee ed w t r! On your behalf, OSR will donate much-needed life-saving water to the homeless, home-bound, and to wildre and disaster-relief eorts. Through our collaboration with the Salv tion Army, and St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance, and their cooperation w th Phoenix's Local Heat Reli f Network, you can be assured your water donations will nd its way to those who need it most. D I D Y O U K N OW . . . H Y D R A T I O N S A F E T Y T I P S How can you join the eort? Stop into any OSR Clinic and donate today! 3rd ANNUAL OSR WATER DRIVE | JUNE 15 - AUG 15 $5 = 2 Cases of much needed water! Thank you OSR Army for your incredible contributions thusfar insupportingoureffortsforthe2019OSRWater Drive! We’ve been able to donate approximately 6,000 bottles of water so far... take a look at the video below to see your donations at work! Onyourbehalf,OSRwilldonatemuch-needed life-savingwater to thehomeless, home-bound,and towildreanddi aster-reliefeorts.Throughourcollaboration with theSalvationArmy,andSt.Mary'sF dBankAlliance, d theircooperation withPhoenix'sLocalHeatReliefNetwork,y uc nbeassuredyourwaterdonations willnd itsway to thosewhoneed itmost. DID YOU KNOW... HYDRATION SAFETY TIPS Whenperformingoutdooractivities, bringanddrinkplentyofwater. one case of life-saving water OSR WILL DONATE • • • DEHYDRATION DEATHS How can you join the eort? Stop into any OSR Clinic and donate today! 3rd ANNUAL OSR WATER DRIVE | JUNE 15 - AUG 15 $5 = 2 Cases of much needed water! a R D E H Y D R A T I O N D E A T H S D E H Y D R A T I O N D E A T H S D E H Y D R A T I O N D E A T H S

In2018,heat-relateddeaths inArizona numbered181,up from thepreviousyear. Thosemostaectedareourhomelessand homeboundpopulations. Mostheat relateddeathsoccur in the monthofJuly. Moredeathsoccurdue todehydration than re,oods,hurricanes,and lightingstrikes combined. Theblisteringheatofdayandnightcan takea life inacoupleofdays. In2018,heat-relateddeaths inArizona numbered181,up from thepreviousyear. Thosemostaectedareourhomelessand homeboundpopulations. Mostheat relateddeathsoccur in the monthofJuly. Moredeathso curdue todehy r ti t re,oods,hurricanes,and lightingstrikes combined. Theblisteringheatofdaya ni takea life inacoupleofdays. n2018,heat-relateddeaths inArizona umbered181,up from thepreviousyear. hosemostaectedareourhomeles a omeboundpopulations. ostheat related eathsoc ur in the onthofJuly. oredeathsoccurdue todehydration than re,oods,hurricanes,and lightingstrikes ombined. heblisteringheatofdayandnightcan akea life inacoupleofdays. • • • In2018,heat-relateddeaths inArizona numbered181,up from thepreviousyear. Thosemostaectedareourhomelessand homeboundpopulations. Mostheat relateddeathsocc r in the monthofJuly. Moredeathsoccurdue todehydration than re,oods,hurricanes,and lightingstrikes combined. Theblisteringheatofdayandnightcan takea life inacouple fdays. • • •

Whenperformingoutdooractivities, bringanddrinkplentyofwater. Starteachmorningowithaglassof water;water losswhilesleeping is signicant. Drink8+glassesofwateraday. Lightheaded,nauseous,sluggish, hungerpangs,anddisorientationare allsignsofdehydration. Whenperformingoutdooractivities, bringanddrinkplentyofwater. Starteachmorningowithaglassof water;water losswhilesleeping is signicant. Drink8+glassesofwateraday. Lightheaded,nauseous,sluggish, hungerpangs,and isorienta ionare al signsofdehydration. Whenperformingoutd oractivities, in ddrinkplentyofwater. rt chmorningowithaglassof er;water lo swhilesleeping is g icant. rink8 gla sesofwateraday. Li theaded,nauseous,sluggish, hungerpangs,anddisorientationare allsignsofdehydration. In 2018, heat-related deaths in Ariz na numbered 181, up from the previous ye r. Tho e most aected are our homeless and homebound populations. Most heat related deaths occur in the month of July. More deaths occur due to dehydration than re, oods, hurricanes, and lighting strikes combined. The blistering heat of day and night can take a life in a couple of days. Starteachmorningowithaglassof water;water losswhilesleeping is signicant. Drink8+glassesofwateraday. Lightheaded,nauseous,sluggish, hungerpangs, nddis rientationar llsignsofdehydration. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

When performing outdoor activities, bring and drink plenty of water. Start each morning o with a glass of water; water loss while sleeping is signicant. Drink 8+ glasses of water a day. Lightheaded, nauseous, sluggish, hunger pangs, and disorientation are all signs of dehydration. https://youtu.be/lNI04S7h-VM See our YouTube Video:

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