Reporting Responsibilities The City’s level of budgetary control is at the department level for the General Fund, at the budget category level by department for the Orange County Great Park Fund, and at the individual fund level for all other funds. In overseeing the City’s General Fund budget, the City Manager is responsible for assuring departmental expenditures stay within the department’s budget. The City Manager will notify the City Council as soon as possible of the necessity to over-expend any department appropriation above three percent.
The City Manager submits regularly scheduled quarterly reports to the City Council and Finance Commission comparing actual revenues and expenditures to the adjusted budget.
The level of budgetary control for the Orange County Great Park Funds, in accordance with the Orange County Great Park Fiscal Transparency and Reforms Act approved by voters on November 4, 2014, is at the department and budget category level.
Internal Service Funds Insurance Mail Services
Governmental Funds
General Fund (Major Fund) Special Revenue Funds Capital Project Funds
Civic Center Maintenance and Operations
Fleet Services
Strategic Technology Plan
General Fund Budgeting The basic format of the budget identifies programs within organizational structures. Programs are defined as specific services provided to the public, other departments, or other organizations. All assumptions, transfers and other relevant budget data shall be clearly stated. In instances where specific activities/purchases are authorized by the City Council in a certain fiscal year and remain incomplete and/or unexpended, revenues and/or fund balance may be carried forward, at City Council’s discretion, into the next fiscal year to support such activities/purchases.
Budgetary and accounting procedures will conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for governmental agencies.
FY 2019-21 Proposed Budget
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