

Open House events at the libraries friends and even a place for play dates for children. All this and, of course, books galore were celebrated during the Open House events at the public library branches in Bourget and Rockland. ding which houses the library was opened in 1993, even though there had been a village library for quite a few years before that date. «There was always a library, just not here,» she said.

aloud to children, ranging from traditional fairy tales and Dr. Seuss to more current offerings like a Minions adventure picture book featuring the popular weird-talking assistants of Gru, the would-be archvillain in the Despicable Me movies. Laroche noted that most of the adult patrons of the library seem to zero in on one particular set of shelves. «The new releases,» she said, smiling. «That’s the first place they go.» The library branch’s new Lego Club for Kids is proving very popular, with a waiting list already for the next session in the new year. If Laroche and other library staff have their way, the branch will be able to offer longer opening hours to accommodate patrons’ needs. At the Rockland library branch in the YMCA building conjoined to L’Escale, students from the local high school are frequent visitors, both during their noon- hour breaks and study sessions. «Also, lots of the teachers bring their classes here,» said Tania Arand, acting chief executive officer for the branch. While the Rockland library branch sees a lot of use of its public computers and great interest and participation in various spe- cial programs and projects, what’s on the bookshelves remains the primary reason patrons stop by. «It’s still books,» Arand said, adding that the Library Book Club, focusing on English- language editions, is going strong since it began. «It’s going super well. We’re hoping to open a French-language one in the new year.» Arand noted that the Clarence-Rockland public library is also working with the Ca- nadian National Institute for the Blind on ways tomake local libraries more accessible and accommodating for patrons with vision problems. «We want all the community to know that we’re here for them.»


Quiet in the library? Well, maybe in the old days but libraries are becoming more andmore a place for getting together with

Jocelyne Laroche, head of the Bourget library branch, noted that the present buil-

Located close to both the École de Sa- cré-Cœur and also the church, the Bourget

Lysa Lafleur (left) and her little partner, Mariève Lafleur, share treats during an afternoon visit at the Rockland library OpenHouse.

library branch offers a wealth of children’s programming to both support the learning efforts of children from the school and also mothers and fathers in need of ways to amuse their infants and pre-school children indoors that do not have to involve plunking them down in front of the T.V. Story Time Tuesdaymornings are popu- lar, and the library has a wealth of books, in both French and English, for reading

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Antoine Mareau checks out a Minions adventure book during a visit to the Bourget library branch.

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