
op i n i ons

communautaire Le lien community link The Bourget Le Comptoir familial Le Partage de Bour- get sera fermé pour la période des Fêtes, du 23 décembre au 6 janvier. Clarence-Rockland The Clarence Creek Skating Club is still accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 term for Learn to Skate, PowerSkating, Can- Skate, Pre-CanSkate, and StarSkate. Natalie, 613-488-3236, www.clarencecreekskating- Rockland Open House Day at the Clarence-Rock- land Museum, Dec. 29, 9 :30 a.m. to 8 :30 p.m., 687 Laurier Street. See new addi- tions to the museum collection courtesy of the former Natural History Museum of Prescott-Russell. Coffee and doughnuts provided free courtesy of Khalil Fidaoui of «Allo Taxi». Admission free but donations appreciated. Venez essayer le “Yosakoi”, une danse japonaise au rythme de hip hop, les mercre- dis soir à Rockland. Pour les jeunes et moins jeunes. Gratuit. Informations : Nathalie, 613-446-1479. Repas-partage communautaire le 25 décembre à Rockland, à la Maison Tucker, 1731 chemin Tucker, de 15 h à 23 h. Souper à 18 h. Informations : Stepha- nie Pelot, 613 488-2478, www.facebook. com/25dec2015, http://25dec2015.penta- December 25, 2015 Community Potluck Supper in Rockland, at Tucker House, 1731 Tucker Road, from3:00 to 11:00 pm. Supper at 6:00. Information: Stephanie Pelot, 613 488-2478,, Le Club Fil d’Argent organise un party « Veille du Jour de l’An » le jeudi 31 décembre, à 20 h 30. Coût 15 $. Pour plus de renseigne- ments: Jeannine Courtemanche 613-673- 2278. Le Club Amicale Belle Rive organise un Whist militaire qui sera suivis d’un lunch, le 16 janvier, à 14 h 30, aux Jardins Belle Rive. Pour réservation, Laurent, 613-296-4685. Les joueurs de cartes sont invités à venir jouer aux cartes au Jardins Belle Rive, les mercredis à 13 h. Informations : Georges, 613-446-5283. Russell Living Locally Fair, Jan. 16, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School, 1211 South Russell Road. Free admission but donations to the food bank welcome at the door. Hosted by the Russell & District Horticultural Society. Details at Wendover Les Chevaliers de Colomb organisent un whist militaire au profit de l’église, le dimanche 10 janvier à 13h30. Réservation avant le 7 janvier : Michel, 613-673-4166, ou Thérèse, 613-866-2191.

Clearcutting concerns citizen sun. They also provided us with material to build our homes.They kept our homes warm in the winter by burning their very bodies. They clean the air we breathe, keep the soil from eroding, protect our water level, and last but not least, the children of the forest. All the insects, mice, moles, snakes, frogs, turtles, toads, foxes, squirrels, raccoons, deer, moose, andmany others, all facing a shrin- king world, and for what? Profit. Thanks to the fact that clear cutting has

Our wooded areas are vanishing at an alar- ming rate. Locally large tracts are being clear cut, totally destroyed, all for the al- mighty dollar. In many cases it is just an investment without giving thought to homes at its edge, or the forest itself and all the creatures that call it home. Our great collection of giants has always been there for us, to protect us from the wind and the snow, to give us shade from the hot

been banned in the province of Quebec, the people and companies who clear cut moved across the border to Ontario to wreak havoc on our forests. I was told that clear cutting will be banned in Ontario next year, but I’ve been hearing those exact words for years. I’mamazed how affluence, greed, ignorance, and indifference can result in such destruction. I know some readers may be annoyed with these words. People who earn a living from the soil, beef farmers, cash crop far- mers, and dairy farmers who I believe to be the hardest working people I’ve ever met. I take my hat off to you all. But what about our children, the next generation, and the next? What exactly are we leaving them? Most of the wondrous things we have experiencedmay not be there for them. Camping amongst the giants of an old growth forest, swimming in a pristine river, maple trees with a tapestry of colours in the fall, snow covered evergreens. What a sight.The smell of the cedar on a hot sum- mer day. Watching salamanders, frogs, and turtles living their lives on the forest floor. The sound of the trees as the wind blows in the night. At times we forget trees give us the air we breathe, they drink water just like us, they are alive. To those people who have wooded lots and are choosing to select cut or maybe just letting the forest grow old gracefully, I thank you from the bottomof my heart, and I believe quite a few other people in the area thank you also. In closing, if I might be allowed to speak for those who can’t, all the children of Mo- ther Earth who fly, swim, crawl, and walk above, upon, and inside her, all the trees, the rocks, the plants, the grasses and the soil, please help us continue to live. Lettre adressée au journaliste Gregg Chamberlain Merci de votre article sur la déforestation ( Counties losing greenspace to development , Vision , 19 novembre 2015). En réalité, la réalité est encore plus grave qu’elle ne paraît dans votre sommaire. En effet, selon les chiffres officiels, le cou- vert forestier des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) est passé de 29,26 % en 2008 à 24,82 % en 2014. Ceci représente une perte de 4,44 points de pourcentage, soit une perte réelle de couvert forestier dépassant les 15 % sur cette période de six ans. Si le déboisement devait se poursuivre aumême rythme, nos forêts auraient disparu d’ici 40 ans! C’est peu probable, bien sûr, parce que le signal d’alarme a commencé à sonner, mais les chiffres confirment l’urgence pour nos élus et pour l’ensemble de la population de trouver l’équilibre que souhaite Louis Prévost. Un déboisement inquiétant Andy Perrault

15 000 COPIES Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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