MechanoTherapy_Low Back, Hip, & Knee Arthritis

If you’re constantly facing lower back, hip or knee pain—you might be feeling arthritis. According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 54.4 million U.S. adults are diagnosed with some form of arthritis per year. As we age, the cartilage in our joints wears down, causing painful bone on bone rubbing, inflammation, stiffness, and pain.

JAN. 2020


ALSO INSIDE: Arthritis and Physical Therapy • What Our Patients Say • Exercise Essentials • Tasty Recipe • Wellness Tips for Your New Year’s Resolutions



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If you’re constantly facing lower back, hip or knee pain—you might be feeling arthritis. According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 54.4 million U.S. adults are diagnosed with some form of arthritis per year. As we age, the cartilage in our joints wears down, causing painful bone on bone rubbing, inflammation, stiffness, and pain. What Is Arthritis, Exactly? Before knowing how to relieve arthritic pain, you’ll need to understand it. Arthritis—or the painful stiffness, or inflammation, of joints— isn’t a single disease. The term “arthritis” is an informal explanation of joint pain and disease in general. Over 100 types of arthritis exist, according to the Arthritis Foundation. People of all ages,

races and sex can get it. It’s also the leading cause of ongoing disability in America. The most prevalent form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is caused by either injury or normal wear and tear. What Causes Lower Back, Hip and Knee Arthritis? Because arthritis is a catch-all term, pinpointing what causes arthritis may be difficult. In most cases, arthritis is caused by overuse, wear and tear, or injuries. Arthritis can also be caused by: · Infections, such as Lyme disease · An immune system dysfunction - rheumatoid arthritis

· The inheritance of osteoarthritis · An abnormal metabolism, which leads to gout For arthritis suffers, even simply walking can cause pain in the lower back, hip or knee. Often, arthritis is a downward spiral of progress pain, limiting movement and strength, which in turn causes more inactivity and pain. However, by improving joint movement, muscle strength, balance and coordination, this cycle can be broken, reducing pain and inflammation. Call us today at (503) 567-5771 to find out the cause of your pain and how MechanoTherapy can help you find relief.

Y O U C A N F I N D R E L I E F: C A L L ( 5 0 3 ) 5 6 7 - 5 7 7 1 T O S C H E D U L E Y O U R A P P O I N T M E N T T O D AY !

ARTHRITIS AND PHYSICAL THERAPY Regardless of the cause of arthritis, physical therapy plays a major role in the treatment of arthritis symptoms and should be tried first, before more aggressive procedures such as surgery. While maintaining a healthy weight, exercise and a good diet help, surgical intervention may eventually be needed. However, physical therapy has been shown to be an excellent way to prepare and recover after a total knee or hip replacement. It is very common for the muscles that support the knee, hip, and low back to become weakened from inactivity. Through targeted easy to do exercises, we help your muscles regain their strength, providing greater support to the joints, and reducing inflammation. Furthermore, by improving balance and coordination, especially to the knee and hip joints, the abnormal strain on the joints is relieved, and safety is improved to reduce risk of further injury. If you or a loved one suffers from arthritis, you have options. The first step is to contact one of our therapists today, and ask about ongoing physical therapy treatment to restore mobility, comfort and quality of life. We can help your joints feel better and move better. Visit us online at or call (503) 567-5771 to schedule an appointment today. Sources: WHAT OUR PATIENTS SAY SUCCESS STORIES “Warren isfantastic inhelpingmetorecoverfromthekneepaincaused by running. He figured out the root cause of my problem immediately by evaluating my strength, balance, posture, running forms, and running cadence. His knowledge of how human body works helped me understand my training plans, and all the exercises he taught me workedamazingly. Icouldn’trunevenamilewhen IfirstvisitedWarren, andthatwas10weeksbeforemymarathonrace.Asaresultofworking with him for 7 weeks, I became very confident in crossing the finish line. It’samiracle.Warren issuchagreatperson!He isalwaysfriendly, sincere, and honest. If I ever have need of future physical therapy, Warren will be the first and only one on my list. ” – T.N. His knowledge of how human body works helped me understand my training plans, and all the exercises he taught me worked amazingly.


KNEE EXTENSION STRETCH While sitting, tighten your top thigh muscle to press the back of your knee downward towards the ground. Repeat 6 times on each leg.

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of.


1.Drinkhalfyourbodyweight inouncesofwater. Ifyouweigh160pounds,youshoulddrink80ouncesofwater.When thebody isdehydrated, itdoesn’trunefficiently.Drinkingwaterhas plentyofbenefits, including increasingenergy,flushingouttoxins, improving skin complexion and boosting immunity. 2.Startthemorningwithahydratingwarmdrink. Drinking warm water with lemon is a great choice as the combination makes for a wonderful, healthy flavor. Apple cider vinegar concoctions can also rehydrate and influence the body’s alkalinestate,noted foraddedhealthbenefits.Drinkthesebefore coffee and breakfast for instant energy, simply from keeping your body hydrated. 3.Beactivedaily. Aim for 30 minutes of daily activity. Break up your exercise throughouttheday:10minutesbeforework,10minutesafterward, and 10 minutes at home with the kids. Ifa long-termresolutionseemsdaunting,aimfornewmeasurable goals monthly. Think short-term and create a new goal every month.Forexample,drinkhomemade juicesorsmoothiesfivedays a week or remove packaged snacks from your diet for a month. It doesn’t seem like such a life overhaul if you add or eliminate a certain food for a few days. Plus, if you get in rhythm, you might just continue it and make it a habit. If not, you know you will get to start a new goal the next month. Happy New Year! Always remember to check with your doctor or physical therapist when making changes to your lifestyle. WELLNESS TIPS FOR YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS


• 1 crumbled bouillon cube (optional) • 1 tbsp hot sauce • 1 c fresh chopped cilantro • 1 tsp Italian seasoning • 4 cloves garlic, grated + 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1/2 tsp red crushed chili pepper flakes (optional) • 3 tbsp butter • 4 medium zucchini, spiralized • lemon juice

INGREDIENTS • 1/2 lb ground turkey meat • 1/2 lb ground pork meat (optional) • 1/2 c shredded cheese

DIRECTIONS For turkey meatballs: Combine ground turkey and ground pork, cheese, grated garlic, Italian seasoning, bouillon cube, red chili pepperflakes,choppedcilantroandblackpepper inabowl.Mixwell with your hands or fork to form medium balls. Arrange the turkey meatballsonaplateandsetaside.Melt2tbspbutter inalargeskillet overmedium-lowheat.Cooktheturkeymeatballsfor8-10minonall sidesuntilcookedthrough.Whilecooking,bastethemeatballswith the mix of butter and juices. Remove to a clean plate and set aside. For zucchini noodles: In the same skillet, melt remaining 1 tbsp of butter;thenaddlemon juice,hotsauce,mincedgarlic,andredpepper flakes.Addzucchininoodlesandcookfor3-4min,stirringregularly, until zucchini is done but still crisp and juices have reduced a bit. Garnish with more cilantro or parsley. Push zucchini on one side of the skillet and add the turkey meatballs back to the pan and reheat for about a minute. Serve the garlic butter turkey meatballs with lemonzucchininoodles immediatelywitha lemonsliceon theside.

SHARE THE BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL THERAPY! Do You Have Friends or Family Members That Have Trouble:

OUR SPECIALTIES We provide 1-on-1 treatments specific to your condition! • Manual Therapy • Soft Tissue Mobilization • Blood Flow Restriction Training • Joint Mobilization • Nerve Flossing/ Neurodynamic Mobilization • Strength and Conditioning Don’t let your pain hold you back. Call us today at (503) 567-5771 or visit our website at

� Moving without pain � Bending &moving freely � Balancing confidently & securely

� Sitting for long periods � Walking for long distances � Living active & healthy

Tell Your Friends About MechanoTherapy! We appreciate your confidence and will do our best to help those you refer meet their health and rehabilitation goals. Thank you to all of our friends who refer others to us!


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