The UWI, Mona Campus_Annual Report 2021-2022

to complete some initiatives which are currently challenged due to financial constraints. The EMD brokered an arrangement with Berger Paints, to supply paint to the Campus at preferential rates and for the payments to be structured over a 30-day period after each purchase. This arrangement allowed the EMD to paint crucial areas of the Campus in preparation for the reopening of the Campus and the graduation exercise. The buildings painted were centred around the hub of the Campus i.e. Queens Way, Ring Road, Gibraltar Camp Way, and Gibraltar Hall Road. The CARIFTA Games Village at The UWI In an effort to off-set the costs associated with the reopening of Halls of Residence which were previously closed, the Office of Student Services and Development successfully sought business which grossed over One Hundred and Fifty-five Thousand United States Dollars (US$155,000+), or over Twenty-Four Million Jamaican dollars (J$24,000,000+). An example of this, was the department’s engagement and agreement with the Jamaica Athletics Association with regard to the staging of the CARIFTA Games 2022. The Rex Nettleford Hall was transformed into the ‘Athletes Village’ for the duration of CARIFTA-49 held in Jamaica from April 15 to 18, 2022. The Hall hosted approximately 500 students, coaches, and officials from over 14 different Caribbean countries for 5 days. Volunteer Resident Advisors roomed each contingent, utilising 7 of the 9 Clusters. Cluster 3 served as the medical centre and isolation ward for any athlete who tested positive for COVID-19, while Cluster 7 housed technical staff such as plumbers and chefs. The Multipurpose Room served as the dining hall, and a tent was set up on the Red Square for dining purposes. The TV room was transformed into a games room by CARIFTA sponsors Digicel. Students and coaches expressed their excitement and joy in meeting and mixing with other contingents, and were very appreciative of experiencing a central village as this was a novel experience for them. The CB Group UWI 5K and Smart Eggs Kids K 2021 For the second consecutive year the Annual CB Group UWI 5K and Smart Eggs Kids K was held as a virtual event, and was one of only two races that remained on the national road race calendar.

three of the Master’s programmes were integrated into tournament activities.

Just prior to the regional tournament, the Academy in collaboration with the JRFU, hosted the Texas Rattlesnakes all collegiate team for a Jamaican tour. This gave the Campus visibility in the North American sphere, resulting in clubs from Canada and the United States beginning conversations for tours in 2022-2023. In July, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed for a more structured engagement with JRFU as well as Rugby League Jamaica. This was a historical moment since it was the first time the organisations would be working together as a collaborative group. The Academy also engaged with the newly formed Jamaica Archery Association, to help facilitate preparation and training of athletes for international competition. Previous MOUs with the Jamaica Hockey Federation and Jamaica Cricket Association continued to be operational. The Sports Medicine Clinic continued to work with the National programme for Field Hockey, which saw the male team qualifying for the Caribbean and Central America games. Two University scholarship athletes (Shemar Gordon and Christopher Reid) were on this team. The clinic staff also covered the Jamaica Scorpions on several tours and worked with Cricket West Indies. These activities all generated revenues for the clinic. The relationship was also continued with the National Powerlifting Association of Jamaica, which continues to prove itself to be a strong force.

The Cogeneration Plant at The UWI Mona Campus

Football Union (JRFU), to host the Rugby Americas North Regional Women’s Under 12 and Men’s Under 19 tournaments at the Mona Bowl. Some of the teams agreed to the accommodation package negotiated for 138 Student Living, resulting in revenues of US$53,000.00 over the 5-day period of occupancy. The Academy facilitated a partnership between the Rugby Union and SportsMax which resulted in live coverage of the tournament. The Mona Bowl was on showcase for four days to the SportsMax audience of over 1.5 million persons in 23 Caribbean islands. A total of 30 videos were uploaded to YouTube and had 10,415 views. Twenty-six matches were livestreamed resulting in viewership of 97,299 from the United Kingdom, United States, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico. JRFU invested over J$500,000.00 to aid the Academy with field preparation for the tournament. Students were able to engage in experiential learning as the practicum activities for

servicing, and maintenance on a number of occasions. The Cogeneration Plant stands as a valuable resource to the University as it not only provides an opportunity for the containment of the Campus’ operational expenses, but also a teaching lab for the enhancement of its engineering programmes. Other Partnership Arrangements Faculty of Sport The Mona Academy of Sport continued to build relationships with external sporting organisations, and seek out commercial relationships with the private sector. With the help of the Business Development Office (BDO), a lease arrangement was negotiated with the Tornadoes Swim Club which took over operations of the pool in July with an aim to reopen for the 2022-2023 academic year. The Academy engaged with the Jamaica Rugby

Mona Academy of Sport Income Generation

Rental of UWI Mona Stadium

J$ 776, 251.51

Rental of UWI Mona Bowl facilities

J$ 1,363, 344.00

UWI Sports Medicine Clinic

J$ 6,033,105.77

EMD Partnership with Berger Paints The Estate Management Department (EMD) has also been focused on increasing partnerships with the private sector and other stakeholders, in an effort



UWI Mona Annual Report 2021 - 2022

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