The UWI, Mona Campus_Annual Report 2021-2022

and undergraduate students will develop their skills and expertise in areas such as report writing, data analysis, research and data management. By undertaking practical activities, students will gain insights into the applications of microeconomic, macroeconomic, socioeconomic, and econometric theory. Students will learn about services in the public sector and participate in discussions that will inform policy and public programmes. The internship programme will also allow for the timely dissemination of the knowledge, research and statistics related to productivity. Four (4) undergraduate students participated in the first launch of the programme during the review year. The UWI partners with Grid Dynamics Incorporated As the Caribbean becomes increasingly attractive to multinational firms that are seeking to expand their operations into new regions, there is an increased demand for high performing graduates of The University of the West Indies. Jamaica’s strategic positioning as a global hub for Call Centre operations (such as Business Process Outsourcings (BPOs) and Knowledge Process Outsourcings (KPOs)), has attracted a number of firms to the island which are seeking to satisfy their labour needs with local talent trained in the fields of Computer Sciences and Mathematics. This laid the premise for a partnership agreement between Grid Dynamics Holdings Incorporated and The UWI. Grid Dynamics (GD) is a USA-based multinational company which provides technology consulting, agile co-creation and scalable engineering, and data sciences services to Fortune 500 corporations undergoing digital transformation. Through the partnership, the University will provide GD Holdings Inc. with access to office accommodation to facilitate its local subsidiary, GD Jamaica Ltd., and provide qualified graduate and undergraduate students to satisfy its staffing needs. In turn, where possible, GD Jamaica Ltd. will provide part-time employment for current students and full-time employment opportunities to graduates. Through GD Jamaica Ltd., successful candidates will secure coveted jobs with the multinational firm from which they will gain the experience of undertaking specialised tasks at a globally competitive standard for suitable compensation packages.

concretely during the second half of the same year. GD Jamaica Ltd. operates from The UWI Call Centre Facility for an initial term of one year, and has started its recruitment of qualified Jamaican science and technology graduates from The UWI. Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) to Enhance the Medical Programme The MBBS programme, in the Faulty of Medical Sciences, had expanded over the years and with its expansion came an increase in clinical sites for training beyond the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) and the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH). There are nine clinical training sites and all, except the UHWI, were governed by four Regional Health Authorities. A formal arrangement with each Region and the Ministry of Health and Wellness was needed to allow MBBS students to legitimately access the facilities of the hospitals. All agreements were signed over the last year, and are valid for a period of five years. Medical students in their penultimate and final year at The UWI, Mona also received training from Windsor University Schools of Medicine and Spartan University School of Medicine. Formal MOUs were also signed with these schools. Spartan University School of Medicine’s Agreement was signed in April 2021 for five years and Windsor University Schools of Medicine signed their Agreement in October 2021 for two years. 1.4 DONATIONS IN SUPPORT OF TEACHING AND LEARNING The Francophone Digital Campus and Employability Centre (CNF-CEF) The Francophone Digital Campus and Employability Centre (CNF-CEF) was established in the Faculty of Humanities and Education, with funding from the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (Francophone University Agency, AUF). That benefit was received through the Office of Global Affairs, and Ms. Soyini Ashby of the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures has undertaken to coordinate the Centre. The AUF provided a donation of well-needed equipment for the Ashcroft Teaching

1. Clinical Section 2. Signing of MOU between The UWI and ITC 3. Laboratory Section 4. Clinical Section with the assistance of a final year student

on models. Under the coordination of Dr. Thomas, the lab was in full working condition and well organised. During the 3 days of live patient surgery, a total of 25 patients were treated. Various surgeries including dental implant placement, bone grafting, and sinus lift, were performed. A ceremony was held on the last day of the program to award UWI students and doctors who participated in the first day of lectures, their respective Continuing Education (CE) credits (accredited by the American Dental Association-ADA, Academy of General Dentistry-AGD, Dental Board of California, and Dental Board of Florida).

A Memorandum of Understanding was also signed between The UWI and ITC Seminars, which will allow for continued collaborations in this area of training and development. Jamaica Productivity Centre & The University of the West Indies, Mona, Department of Economics Internship Partnership This Internship is a continuation of the collaboration between the Department of Economics at The University of the West Indies, and the Jamaica Productivity Centre, to build the capacity of Caribbean scholars and to promote a productivity- centric culture. Through this programme, graduate

Discussions in support of this arrangement began during the first half of 2022 and advanced



UWI Mona Annual Report 2021 - 2022

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