I tell you, you can't stop except by God's grace, Will you let Him save y o u ? " "Ye s, I ' ll do i t . ". We knelt there and prayed, and he was saved. I have seen him several times since, and not a drop has passed his lips, and his face is growing clear and bright. I relate this as an illus- tration of the power of God.—The late Dr. Cullis. TRIALS OF YOUR FAITH. Every believer in Jesus shall have his faith sorely tried. Sometimes the trial will come in the shape of un- masked opposition, and at other times in the form of pretentious friendship. But the true follower of Jesus will spurn the one as much as the other. He can neither be driven by persecu- tion nor coaxed by flattery from his
position. He knows whom he has be- lieved, and he is prepared to sacrifice everything, even to life itself, for the sake of Jesus. His faith is not built on human tradition, which is liable to shift like moving sand beneath him, but it is built on the word of Him who cannot lie, and it is as immovable as the Rock of Ages on which he is rest- ing. But why must your faith be tried? ' ' That it might be found unto praise, and honor, and glory at the appearing of Jesus Ch r i s t ." Cheer up, tried ones, for your deliverance is near. You get blame, and dishonor, and shame, now; but soon these will be awarded to your enemies, and praise, and honor, and glory to you. Even now, during this time of trial and heaviness, you can greatly rejoice in view of salva- tion ready to be revealed.—Unknown.
The Opening of the Institute September 12,1910 A week of special Bible Teaching by Experts
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