CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

• Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Overview (Early Childhood - 12)

• Preparing our Kids for Success: Parent Training Designed to Support S.A.R.B. and Local Truancy Abatement Efforts

• Present Levels of Performance (PLOPs), Goals, and Educational Benefit

• Present Levels of Performance (PLOPs), Goals, and Educational Benefit (Self-Paced Course)

• Prior Written Notice (Self-Paced Course)

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Antecedent-Based Interventions

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Peer-Based Instruction and Intervention

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Prompting

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Prompting for Paraprofessionals

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Reinforcement

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Reinforcement for Paraprofessionals

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Social Narratives

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Social Skills Training

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Time Delay

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Time Delay for Paraprofessionals

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Video Modeling

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Visual Supports

• Putting EBPs into Practice: Visual Supports for Paraprofessionals

• Real Talk Autism Edition: Resources & Supports for Educators

• Real Talk Autism Edition: Resources & Supports for Families


• Regaining School Muscle Memory: The Fundamentals of Behavior

• Restorative Justice Conferencing

• Restorative Practices Overview

• School-Wide Information System (SWIS)

• Social Circles

• Social Circles

• Social Emotional Learning in the Home

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