poznatih remek-dela poput Bo - tičelijevog „Rođenja Venere“ i
Karavađove „Meduze“. Mikelanđelov „David“
David je možda pobedio Goli - jata, ali ironično, Mikelanđelo - va verzija biblijske figure je sa - ma po sebi gigant (5,2 metra) i ostala je glavna ikona Firen - ce do danas. Krajem 19. veka replika je postavljena na Pjaci dela Sinjora, pošto je skulptu - ra premeštena u Galeriju Aka - demije. Firentinski sladoled U 16. veku firentinski poslasti - čar po imenu Bernardo Buon - talenti imao je zadatak da im - presionira špansku delegaciju koja je posetila grad, pa je smi - slio nešto što je verovatno naj - raniji italijanski đelato, poznat kao firentinski krem. Novi ukus je kombinacija meda, žumana - ca i vina, a na našu srecu i da - nas je dostupan u prodavnica - ma sladoleda širom grada. Pinokio Đepetov drveni sin postao je svetski slavan zahvaljujuci Di - znijevom filmu iz 1940. godi - ne, ali originalna priča je za - pravo nastala u Firenci. Autor Karlo Kolodi objavio je Pinoki - jeve avanture u nedeljniku za decu između 1881. i 1882. Na - kon što je godinu dana kasnije štampan kao knjiga, postao je jedna od najprevođenijih i naj - prodavanijih knjiga ikada, kao i jedan od neformalnih simbo - la Firence.
Leonardo, Mikelanđelo i Rafael došli su ovamo sa potpuno novim načinom doživljavanja sveta It was here that Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael came up with a brand-new way of experiencing the world
lenti was tasked with impre- ssing a Spanish delegation vi- siting the city and came up with what was arguably the earliest Italian gelato: Floren- tine cream. The new flavo- ur was made with honey, egg yolks and a touch of wine. Luckily for us, crema fioren - tina is still available at gelato parlours across the city. Pinocchio While Geppetto’s wooden son rose to global stardom thanks to Disney’s 1940 film, the ori - ginal story was actually crea- ted in Florence. Author Carlo Collodi published The Adven- tures of Pinocchio in a wee- kly magazine for children between 1881 and 1882. Upon being printed as a book a ye- ar later, it went on to become one of the most widely tran- slated and best-selling books of all time, as well as beco- ming one of the informal sym- bols of Florence.
Medici rulers commissioned a building to house the family’s artworks. Two centuries later, that same building would be- come one of the earliest mo- dern museums, after the last Medici heiress bequeathed the vast collection to the Tus- can state. The Uffizi is home to world-famous masterpie- ces like Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and Caravaggio’s Me- dusa. Michelangelo’s David David may have defeated Go- liath, yet ironically Michelan- gelo’s version of the biblical fi - gure is a giant in its own right (5.2 m) and it has remained Florence’s main icon to this day. A replica was installed on the Piazza della Signoria in the late 19 th century, with the ori- ginal sculpture moved to the city’s Galleria dell’Accademia. Florentine gelato In the 16 th century, Florentine pastry chef Bernardo Buonta-
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