Elevate January 2023 | Air Serbia



Od 28. marta, svakog utorka, četvrtka, petka i subote, Er Srbija će leteti do Ankare As of 28 th March, Air Serbia will be flying to Ankara every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Ankara je glavni grad Turske i jedna od najraznovrsnijih turističkih destinaci- ja Turske. Ima mnogo istorijskih zname- nitosti, kao što su muzeji i zabavni par- kovi. Muzej anadolskih civilizacija jedna je od najvažnijih turističkih atrakcija Tur- ske. Osnovan je 1921. godine u oblasti blizu citadele i prikazuje mnoge antikvi- tete od kamenog doba do danas. Tu je i Nacionalni muzej Ataturkovog hrama (koji se naziva i Anıtkabir), u kojem po- čiva Kemal Ataturk, osnivač i prvi pred- sednik Republike Turske. Ali u Ankari se uglavnom može uži- vati u parkovima. Oni su neverovatni! Güvenli Park (Omladinski park) jedan je od nepromenljivih simbola Anka- re, gde je u letnjoj sezoni zasađeno na hiljade cvetova, sa mnogo bazena i dečijih igrališta. Park „Pedeseta go- dina“ jedna je od najvažnijih turistič- kih atrakcija Turske. Nalazi se u okru- gu Čankaja i ovde ćete bez sumnje uživati u prelepoj prirodi. Vonderlend garden je takođe jedan od najpozna- tijih parkova u Ankari i jedan od najve- cih vrtova u Evropi, podeljen na veli- ke lepo uređene površine. Vrt takođe

ima mnogo figura poznatih crtanih li- kova, što ga čini naročito privlačnim za mlade. Ne zaboravite jednu od glavnih tačaka grada – Staru četvrt. Tu ćete pronaci mnogo prodavnica sa suvenirima ko- je možete kupiti po razumnoj ceni, na- kon očekivanog cenjkanja, naravno. Ankara is the capital of Turkey and one of the country’s most diverse tourist destinations. Among its many histori- cal sites, including museums and enter- tainment parks, the Museum of Anato- lian Civilisations is one of Turkey’s most important tourist attractions. Estab- lished in 1921 in an area close to the Cit- adel, this museum presents many an- tiques dating from the Stone Age to the present day. There is also the Anitkabir, the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atat- urk, containing the tomb of the founder and first president of the Turkish Repub- lic. However, in Ankara it is the amaz- ing parks that you can enjoy the most. The Youth Park, one of the permanent symbols of Ankara, where thousands of flowers are planted in the summer sea-

son and there are many pools and chil- dren’s playgrounds. The 50 th Year Park is one of Turkey’s most important tour- ist attractions. Located in the city’s Çankaya district, it is characterised by its natural diversity, enjoying a beautiful nature that enhances its natural beau- ty. The Wonderland Garden, which is di- vided into beautifully landscaped are- as, is also one of the most famous parks in Ankara and one of Europe’s largest gardens. The garden also has many carvings of famous cartoon charac- ters, making it attractive to youngsters. Kuğulu Park, one of Turkey’s most im- portant tourist attractions, is known for the large swans that have become a symbol of Ankara, but also the Geese and ducks that inhabit a pond located within the park. Don’t forget to explore one of the main parts of the city: the Old Quarter. Here you can find plenty of traders selling souvenirs that those seeking a prop- er bargain can purchase at reasonable prices. You will also encounter many dif- ferent historical artefacts during your walk around this famous quarter.

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