Elevate January 2023 | Air Serbia

OHRID / OHRID Balkanski Jerusalim na čudesnom jezeru THE BALKAN JERUSALEM ON A WONDROUS LAKE

Ohrid je grad u jugozapadnom delu Severne Makedonije, na severoistoč- noj obali Ohridskog jezera, koje po gra- du nosi ime. Zbog velikog broja crkava i manastira grad je poznat kao balkan- ski i evropski Jerusalim, ali i kao Grad svetlosti, što je doslovan prevod njego- vog starog imena. Zbog uskih, kaldr- misanih ulica i srednjovekovne arhitek- ture poseta Ohridu može izgledati kao putovanje u prošlost. To je raj za turi- ste, sa prelepim plažama, spektakular- nim pogledom i bogatstvom medite- ranske kuhinje. Ohrid je jedno od najstarijih naselja u Evropi, a nekada je smatran epicen- trom religije i slovenske kulture. Njego- va istorija je evidentna u svakoj zgra- di koja se nalazi pored starog grada. Međutim, upravo Ohridsko jezero či- ni grad jedinstvenim istorijskim artefak- tom. Staro tri miliona godina, jedno je od najstarijih i najdubljih jezera u Evro- pi, zbog čega je Ohrid proglašen i za kulturnu i prirodnu Uneskovu svetsku baštinu. Njegovo jezero nudi džepove sa pla- žama koje otkrivaju pogled na okol- ne planine i brda. Duž obale pažljivo rekonstruisana sela daju ovoj obla- sti italijansku atmosferu. Za one koji su umorni od plaže, šetnje stazama koje vode oko obale i u planine su posebno primamljive. Jače pešačke i biciklističke ture nagradice osvajače prelepim po- gledom na jezero. Nekada sa 365 crkava grad ima fas- cinantan arhitektonski raspored, pun manastira, tvrđava i zamkova. Ohrid is a city located in southwest- ern North Macedonia, on the north- east coast of Lake Ohrid, which is al- so named after the city. Due to its large number of churches and monasteries, Ohrid is known as the Balkan and Euro- pean Jerusalem, but also as the “city of light”, which is a literal translation of its former name. Home to narrow, cobble- stoned streets and architecture remi- niscent of medieval times, visiting Ohrid may feel like travelling back in time. It is a holidaymaker’s paradise, with its glim- mering beaches, spectacular views and a wealth of Mediterranean cuisine. Ohrid, one of the oldest settlements in Europe, was once considered the epi- centre of religion and Slavic culture. Its

Do Ohrida će Er Srbija početi da leti 5. juna, svakog ponedeljka, srede, petka i subote As of 5 th June, Air Serbia will start flying to Ohrid every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

history is evident in each of the build- ings that line the streets of the city’s old town. However, it is Lake Ohrid that makes the city a unique historical arte- fact. At three million years old, this lake represents one of Europe’s oldest, while it also among the deepest, and this body of water provides Ohrid with the prestigious status of being proclaimed both a cultural and natural UNESCO World Heritage site. The lake offers pockets of beach are- as that reveal views of the surrounding mountains and hills. Along the shore- line, carefully reconstructed villages on stilts give the area an Italian vibe. For those bored of the beach, hikes leading around the shoreline and into the moun- tains are particularly enticing. The more vigorous hiking and cycling trails will re- ward those that conquer them with beautiful views over the lake. Once boasting 365 churches, this city has a fascinating architectural layout, filled with monasteries, fortresses and castles. Some of the architecture dates back to 200BC, including the city’s an- cient amphitheatre, which was once used to host gladiator fights and now serves as a concert and theatre venue.

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