Elevate January 2023 | Air Serbia


KRAKOV / KRAKOW Srednjovekovna harizma bivše prestonice MEDIEVAL CHARISMA OF THE FORMER CAPITAL

From a booming café culture to wild night- life, fascinating historical spots to attrac- tive parks, there are plenty of reasons to add Krakow to your list of destinations to vis- it this year. Made famous as one of the first ever urban areas to become a UNESCO World Herit- age Site, Krakow Old Town is a maze of cob- bled lanes and alleyways, wide streets with historical merchants’ houses lining the pave- ments, and – most importantly – sprawling squares with medieval churches. There is no- where that better sums up the grand history and culture of Poland’s past. The nearby Kazimierz, a place of crumbling plaster and exposed brick, which fuses the industrial and the Gothic with both syna- gogues and artisan beer houses, represents a veritable hub of local life. The trendy Kazimi- erz is Krakow’s historic Jewish quarter that to- day represents a blend of independent gal- leries, interesting shops, vintage boutiques and bars, and among the numerous syna- gogues of Szeroka Street is the Old Syna- gogue that dates back to the 16 th century. Move over Vienna, because if there’s any other European city that can really challenge the Austrian capital as the self-proclaimed kingpin of café culture, it’s Krakow. Yep, a new breed of artisan coffee shops is fuelling a re- naissance in the drinking of the caffeinated elixir, while other cafés are content with a fine location and an al fresco garden overlooking the great historical monuments of the Old Town. Krakow has it all.

Od brojnih kafica i nocnog života, do fascinantnih istorijskih mesta i lepih parkova, postoji mnogo razloga zašto bi poseta Krakovu trebalo da bude na vašem meniju ove godine. Proglašen za jedno od prvih urbanih mesta svet- ske baštine Uneska, stari grad je lavi- rint kaldrmisanih uličica, širokih ulica sa istorijskim trgovačkim kucama duž tro- toara, i – što je najvažnije – prostranih trgova na kojima se još nalaze srednjo- vekovne crkve. Ne postoji bolje mesto koje sumira veliku istoriju i kulturu Polj- ske. U blizini je i Kazimirž, mesto troš- nog maltera i otkrivene cigle koje spa- ja industriju i gotiku sa sinagogama i zanatskim pivnicama – pravo sredi- šte lokalnog života. Trendi Kazimirž je istorijska jevrejska četvrt u Krakovu ko- ja je sada mešavina nezavisnih gale- rija, zanimljivih, starinskih prodavni- ca i barova. Ako postoji bilo koji evropski grad ko- ji zaista može da izazove austrijsku prestonicu kao nezvaničnu kraljicu kafe-kulture na dvoboj, to je Krakov. Nova vrsta kafica koji podstiču rene- sansu u ispijanju eliksira sa kofeinom, ali i oni drugi zadovoljni dobrom loka- cijom i pogledom na velike istorijske spomenike starog grada. Svega ima u Krakovu.

Er Srbija će do Krakova leteti od 4. juna svakog ponedeljka, srede, petka i nedelje Air Serbia will launch

flights to Krakow on 4 th June, with

rotations every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

me scan

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