Kultura / Culture
A modern fairy tale for the digital generation Ah, all those wonderful hidden spots in the City of Lights that make this popular Netflix series irresistible, even if the screenplay isn’t overly glitzy No one can say for cer- tain just what made this series - about a perpetually cheerful mar- keting assistant from Chicago, who ends up in the City of Lights due to crazy circumstances - a global tele- vision phenomenon and one of the most popular shows during the pan- demic-induced cancelling of regular daily life. That question can’t even be answered by the authors them- selves, who always seem confused by the success of the series. However, what we do know for certain, and what has undoubted- ly helped this phenomenon signifi- cantly, is the fact that Paris provides for the perfect “setting”, mesmer- ising in every shot with its elegant adornments. One thing led to an- other, and three seasons of the Netf- lix hit led to Paris returning to the very top of the charts as the world’s most-searched travel destination in 2023. If you’re among those who’ve already been inspired by Emily’s cin- ematic adventures to book a tick- et to the French capital, you have in front of you a hedonistic guide tailored to the crew of this belov- ed modern fairy tale.
Doživite Pariz kao Emili Experience Paris like Emily
Moderna bajka za digitalnu generaciju Ah, sva ta sjajna skrivena mesta Grada svetlosti koja popularnu „Netfliksovu“ seriju čine neodoljivom, čak i ako scenario nije naročito blistav
Niko ne može sa sigur- nošću da odgovori šta je seriju o večito veseloj marke- ting asistentkinji iz Čikaga, ko- ja se sticajem sumanutih okol- nosti zadesi u Gradu svetlosti, učinilo globalnim televizijskim fenomenom i jednim od najgle- danijih programa pandemijskog prekida svakodnevice. Na to pi-
tanje ne mogu da odgovore čak ni sami autori, koji vazda deluju zbunjeni ovim uspehom. Ali ono što sigurno znamo i bez dileme je značajno pomoglo ovom fenomenu jeste činjenica da je Pariz savšena „scenografi- ja“ koja svojim elegantnim adu- tima pleni u svakom kadru. Jed- na stvar je vodila drugoj, pa su tri
sezone „Netfliksovog“ hita Pariz vratile na sam vrh najtraženijih svetskih destinacija za putova- nja u 2023. godini. Ukoliko ste među onima koji su podstaknuti Emilinim sinematičnim avantura- ma već bukirali kartu za francu- sku prestonicu, pred vama je be- deker hedonizma po meri ekipe ove opšteomiljene moderne bajke.
Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos
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