Most ljubavi inspiracija je za manifestaciju „Poljubi me“ i za muzički festival „Love fest“ The Bridge of Love serves as the inspiration behind the event “Kiss Me”, as well as the Love Fest music festival
Romansa u Vrnjačkoj Banji Romance in Vrnjačka Banja
Zaključajte svoju ljubav na mostu / Lock your love to the bridge Iz Vrnjačke Banje dolazi nam legenda stara više od stotinu godina, koja se i danas prepričava i slavi na Mostu ljubavi / Coming to us from Vrnjačka Banja is a legend that dates back more than a century and is still recounted and celebrated on the Bridge of Love
his is a tale of love and its strength, the de- structive power of emotions and human sad- ness; a tale of two young people who fell in love and whose love met its end. It is the tale of an army officer called Relja and a young
teacher called Nada, who fell in love and bequeathed themselves to one another, and who would meet often on one of the 20-odd bridges connecting the two banks of the Vrnjačka River. The whole of Vrnjačka Banja spoke about the pow- erful love between Nada and Relja, and it seemed as though nothing could get in the way of their happiness. But then war broke out, one that contemporaries dubbed the Great War, and Relja, as an officer, was sent to the battlefield in Greece. While serving on the front, Relja fell in love with a beautiful Greek woman and broke off his engagement with Nada, and the legend tells us noth- ing more about his life. Although Relja’s subsequent fate remains unknown, the fate of Nada the teacher unfolded quickly and in full view of all Vrnjačka Banja residents. Unable to over- come the loss of Relja’s love, the young teacher died of a broken heart. Deeply shocked by the fate of the un- fortunate Nada, the girls of Vrnjačka Banja began visit- ing the once happy couple’s favourite meeting place: a bridge, where they began securing padlocks to the rail- ing in the belief that they would thereby protect their own love for all eternity. The memory of Nada’s gloomy fate faded over the years and was under threat of being completely forgot- ten, that was until the arrival of Desanka Maksimović in Vrnjačka Banja. This famous Serbian poetess fell in love with this health resort during her very first visit, and con- tinued to be a regular visitor. That’s also how she found out about the legend of Relja and Nada, and that story had such a strong impression on her that it was in Vrn- jačka Banja that she wrote one of her most beautiful po- ems, inspired by their lives: A Prayer for Love. This work served to restore the memory of Nada’s tragic love, and the bridge where these two young lov- ers would meet began to awaken the interest of tour- ists. The story soon led to the resurrecting of an old cus- tom of locking padlocks on that bridge. It was christened with a symbolic name, The Bridge of Love, and the con- crete part of the railing was adorned with a plaque con- taining a passage from Desanka’s famous poem. This bridge’s railing, which is just ten metres long, is covered with thousands of locked padlocks that preserve the sto- ries of many loving relationships.
boli Relju, mlada učiteljica umire od tuge. Duboko potresene sudbinom nesrećne Nade, devojke iz Vr- njačke Banje posećuju omiljeno sastajalište nekada srećnog para – most na čije ograde zaključavaju ka- tance verujući da će tim činom za čitavu večnost sa- čuvati svoju ljubav. Kako su godine prolazile, sećanje na tužnu Na- dinu sudbinu bledelo je preteći da sasvim padne u zaborav sve dok u Vrnjačku Banju nije stigla Desan- ka Maksimović. Čuvena srpska pesnikinja se već to- kom svoje prve posete zaljubila u ovo lečilište, u koje je potom često dolazila. Tako je i saznala za legen- du o Relji i Nadi i ta je priča ostavila tako jak utisak na nju, da je inspirisana njihovim životima u Vrnjač- koj Banji napisala jednu od svojih najlepših pesama „Molitvu za ljubav“. Obnovilo se sećanje na tragičnu Nadinu ljubav, a most na kom su se sastajali počeo je da budi intere- sovanje turista. Uskoro je sa pričom vaskrsao i stari običaj zaključavanja katanaca. Kršten je simboličnim nazivom Most ljubavi, a na betonskom delu njegove ograde postavljena je ploča sa odlomkom iz Desanki- ne pesme „Molitva za ljubav“. Danas na ogradi ovog mosta, dugačkog svega desetak metara, stoji zaklju- čano više hiljada katanaca koji čuvaju priče o ljubavi.
O vo je riča o ljubavi i njenoj snazi, razor- noj moći emocija i ljudske tuge, priča o dvoje mladih koji su se zavoleli i čijoj je ljubavi došao kraj. To je priča o ofi- ciru Relji i mladoj učiteljici Nadi, koji su se zavoleli i zaručili i sastajali često na jednom od dvadesetak mostova koji spajaju obale Vrnjačke reke. Čitava Vrnjačka Banja pričala je o snažnoj lju- bavi između Nade i Relje i činilo se da njihovoj sre-
ći ništa ne može stati na put. Ali izbija rat, koji su savremenici zvali Velikim, pa Relju, budući da je bio oficir, šalju na bojište u Grčku. Na frontu se Relja za- ljubljuje u prelepu Grkinju, raskida svoje zaruke sa Nadom i o njegovom životu nakon toga legenda vi- še ne govori ništa. Iako je Reljina dalja sudbina nepoznata, sudbi- na učiteljice Nade rasplitala se ubrzano i naočigled svih stanovnika Vrnjačke Banje. Ne mogavši da pre-
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