Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia
BANJA KOVILJAČA Najstarija banja definisana je veličan- stvenošcu svog prirodnog okruženja, oivičena rekom Drinom i planinom Gučevo. Početkom 20. veka Banja Koviljača bila je mondensko sastaja- lište svih koji su nešto značili u druš- tvenom i kulturnom životu Srbije. Po- sebno je bila omiljena Obrenovićima i Karađorđevićima, zbog čega s pra- vom nosi epitet kraljevske banje. I da- nas, čim kročite u banjski park, na tre- nutak vam se učini kako se iz okolnih vila čuju zvuci bečkog valcera dok na bal pristižu parovi u raskošnim toa- letama. Banja Koviljača
hear the sounds of Viennese waltzes emanating from the surrounding villas, while couples sporting luxurious outfits arrive to attend a ball. The spa’s famous park was designed in the English and French garden styles, according to the wishes of King Aleksandar I Obrenović himself. And he is actually largely responsible for the fact that Koviljača is considered one of the most beautiful spas in Eu- rope, representing the perfect spot for post-illness recovery and recupera- tion, but also for relaxation and a gen- uine regal holiday. Koviljača served as a health resort during the pre-Roman time of the Il- lyrians, while the first written records – dating back to 1533 – indicate that huge numbers of people came to experience its healing springs. Ac- cording to one legend, the healing properties of the waters here were discovered by the members of a car- avan who were forced to leave an ex- hausted and wounded horse there. The horse wallowed in the black silt and mud, lying in the warm sulphur water. When the travellers arrived back in the area on their return jour- ney, they found the horse healthy and active, grazing on grass. And that’s how, according to this legend, the medicinal properties of Koviljača spa were discovered. Records show that the famous Dositej Obradović and Vuk Karadžić also en- joyed the beauty of this spa, while up- rising leader Karađorđe also once had his wounds treated there. Karadžić wrote about this place during the 19 th century, thus adding an entire series of new layers of national pride. 1533. godine se pojavljuju prvi pisani izvori koji ukazuju da su ljudi masovno dolazili na lekovite izvore The first written records indicate that huge numbers of people came to experience its healing springs
Čuveni banjski park projektovan je u engleskom i francuskom stilu, baš po želji kralja Aleksandra I Obrenovi- ća. Upravo je on velikim delom zaslu- žan što Banja Koviljača važi za jednu od najlepših banja u Evropi, savršeno mesto za oporavak nakon bolesti, ali i relaksaciju i pravi kraljevski odmor. Koviljača je bila lečilište još u doba Ili- ra, a prvi pisani izvori iz 1533. ukazu- ju na to da su ljudi masovno dolazili na njene lekovite izvore. Postoji predanje da su lekovitost otkrili pratioci jednog karavana koji su baš tu morali da osta- ve svog iznemoglog i ranjenog konja. Konj se valjao u crnom mulju i blatu i ležao u toploj sumpornoj vodi. Kada su se putnici vratili istim putem, zate- kli su konja zdravog i čilog kako pase. Tako je, kaže legenda, otkrivena leko- vitost Banje Koviljače. Ostalo je zapisano da su u lepotama ove banje uživali i Dositej Obradović i Vuk Karadžić, a svoje rane tu je nekad davno vidao i vožd Karađorđe. Vuk Karadžic je o ovom mestu pisao u 19. veku, dodavši čitav niz novih slojeva nacionalnog ponosa. Defining the country’s oldest spa is the sheer magnificence of its natural sur- roundings, bordered by the River Drina and Gučevo Mountain. Koviljača spa was a trendy gathering spot for all sig- nificant figures in the social and cul- tural life of Serbia during the early 20 th century. It was a particular favourite among the members of the Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties, which is why it deservedly carries the epithet of the royal spa. And to this very day, the instant you step into the spa park, you will momentarily think that you can still
U lepotama ove banje uživali su Dositej Obradović i Vuk Karadžić Dositej Obradović and Vuk Karadžić also enjoyed the beauty of this spa
Posebno je bila omiljena Obrenovićima i Karađorđevićima, zbog čega nosi epitet kraljevske banje / It was a favourite among the members of the Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties, which is why it carries the epithet of the royal spa
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