Elevate February 2023 | Air Serbia

Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia


Dan započnite čašom kvalitetne vode, ona je ključ do zdravog tela Stara poslovica „Po jutru se dan po- znaje“ zapravo je jedna velika istina. Na- čin na koji započinjemo dan je od ključ- nog značaja za kompletno stanje našeg organizma narednih 10–15 sati koje pro- vodimo u redovnim aktivnostima, pa zbog toga moramo misliti o zdravlju od trenutka kada otvorimo oči. Redovna hidratacija ključna je za zdravlje jer pruža brojne benefite. Čaša vode svakog jutra doprinosi održavanju željene kilaže, či- sti probavni sistem i sprečava osećaj nadu- tosti. Nutricionisti savetuju da se izbegava rashlađena voda, posebno ujutru, kada se preporučuje mlaka ili voda na sobnoj tem- peraturi da bi se organizam pravilno raz- budio. Konzumiranje najmanje 2 litra vode dnevno doprinosi održavanju normalnih fi- zičkih i kognitivnih funkcija. Ako pored ne- ophodne hidratacije ta voda nudi i dodatne blagodati, onda je to dobitna kombinacija! Pored dobro poznate negazirane „Ro- sa“ vode pogodne za svakodnevnu hidra- taciju zbog svog slabomineralnog sastava, stigla je još jedna voda u našu porodicu, ga- zirana „Rosa“ iz srca Homolja. Visokokva- litetna i bogata kalcijumom, „Rosa Homo- lje“ odličnog je mineralnog sastava i jedina je prirodno gazirana voda u Srbiji koja sa- drži jedinstveni balans kalcijuma, magne- zijuma i kalijuma. Izvire pod pritiskom na dubini od 282 metra i na svom putu se pri- rodno filtrira i obogaćuje mineralima. Je- dan litar gazirane „Rosa Homolje“ zadovo- ljava 30 odsto dnevnog referentnog unosa odraslih za kalcijumom.

Start your day with a glass of high- quality water, which is key to a healthy body Theoldproverb‘Morningshowsthe day’ actually represents a great truth. The way we start the day is crucial to the overall state of our physical body over the next 10 to 15 hours that we spend engaging in regular activities, which is why we have to consi- der our health from the instant we open our eyes. Regular hydration is key to good health, as it pro- vides numerous benefits. A glass of water each mor- ning contributes to maintaining one’s desired we- ight, cleanses the digestive system and prevents the feeling of being bloated. Nutritionists advise aga- inst chilled water, particularly early in the morning, when they recommend water that’s lukewarm or at room temperature, in order to rouse the body properly. Consuming at least two litres of water per day contributes to maintaining normal physical and cognitive functions. If that water provides additional benefits alongside essential hydration, then it’s a winning combination! Alongside Rosa’s well-known still wa- ter that’s suitable for daily hydration thanks to its low mineral composition, the Rosa fami- ly also has a new member in the form of sparkling Rosa from the heart of Homolje. High in quality and rich in calcium, Rosa Homolje has an excellent mi- neral composition and is the only natural carbona- ted water in Serbia to contain a unique balance of calcium, magnesium and potassium. It springs forth under pressure from a depth of 282 metres and is naturally filtered and enriched with minerals along the way. One litre of sparkling Rosa Homolje provi- des 30% of the daily dietary reference intake of ca- lcium for adults.

Fruška gora je jedan od idiličnih delova Srbije, pa ne čudi da u njenom šumo- vitom raju možete da nađete tipično mirno lečilište. Na samo 24 kilome- tra od Novog Sada, na idealnoj poziciji od 240 metara nadmorske visine, ba- nja se odlikuje umereno kontinental- nom klimom bez jakih vetrova i hladnih vazdušnih masa. Banja poseduje leko- vitu vodu, koja zbog temperature i he- mijskog sastava spada u red hipoter- malnih voda. Temperatura vode od 29 do 32 stepena Celzijusa, nadmorska visina i čist vazduh svrstavaju banju u vazdušna lečilišta Srbije. Blagotvorno dejstvo termalne vo- de poznato je od početka 19. veka, u vreme kad je Vrdnik bio rudarsko me- sto, pa su rudari bili prvi koji su ispro- bali pozitivne efekte ove vode. Rade- ći u oknu, često su stajali u vodi koja se pojavljivala iz pukotina u krečnja- ku. Ne znajući ništa o kvalitetu te vode, konstatovali su ublažavanje simptoma kostobolje i bržu epitalizaciju kože. Re- zultati analize vode samo su potvrdi- li izjave rudara i postavili naučne okvire za primenu ove vode u medicini. Blagotvorna dejstva prirodnih izvo- ra uspostavljaju ravnotežu između zdravlja, lepote i dobrog stanja celog organizma. Osim što sadrži minerale,

termalna voda je i hipoalergena, a sa- mim tim je pogodna za osetljivu i iri- tiranu kožu. Prirodno je čista i bogata mineralima, pa povoljno utiče na opo- ravak kod respiratornih bolesti ili reu- matskih oboljenja. Vrdnik nudi impre- sivan niz bazena, uključujuci i otvoren olimpijski, kojem je gotovo nemoguce odoleti. Manastir poznat kao Mala Ra- vanica je takođe u blizini, kao da banja nije dovoljno čarobna. Fruška Gora is among Serbia’s most idyllic areas, so it should come as no surprise that you’ll find a typically tran- quil health resort in its forested para- dise. Situated just 24 kilometres from Novi Sad, with an ideal position some 240 metres above sea level, this spa is characterised by a moderate conti- nental climate free of strong winds and cold air flows. Due to their temperature and chemical composition, the spa’s medicinal waters belong to the group of hypothermal waters. Water tem- peratures of 29-32 degrees Celsius, coupled with a moderate altitude and clean air, make this one of Serbia’s top air spa health resorts. The beneficial effects of its thermal wa- ters have been known since the ear- ly 19 th century. Vrdnik was then best

known as a mining town, and local miners were the first to test the posi- tive effects of this water. While work- ing in the mine shaft, they would often find themselves wading in water that emerged from cracks in the limestone. Without knowing anything about the quality of that water, they noted that painful symptoms in their bones were eased and wounds on the skin epi- thelialized more quickly. The results of analysis conducted on this water only served to confirm the claims of miners and establish the scientific framework for this water’s medical applications. The beneficial effects of the natural springs here serve to establish an equi- librium between health, beauty and a positive feeling throughout the en- tire body. Apart from containing useful minerals, the thermal water here is al- so hypoallergenic, and thus suitable for sensitive and irritable skin. It is natural- ly pure and rich in minerals, and there- fore impacts favourably on those re- covering from respiratory or rheumatic diseases. Vrdnik offers an impressive series of swimming pools, including an openair Olympic sized pool that’s al- most irresistible. The monastery known as Mala Ravanica is also nearby, as if the spa itself wasn’t magical enough.

Pored dobro poznate negazirane „Rosa“ vode pogodne za svakodnevnu hidrataciju zbog svog slabomineralnog sastava, stigla je još jedna voda u našu porodicu, gazirana „Rosa“ iz srca Homolja / Alongside Rosa’s well-known still water that’s suitable for daily hydration thanks to its low mineral composition, the Rosa family also has a new member in the form of sparkling Rosa from the heart of Homolje

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