Kultura / Culture
stup u gradnji nebodera oslonjen na unutrašnju čeličnu konstruk- ciju koja je omogućila da zidovi od cigle i blokova budu zamenje- ni staklom uspostavljen upravo u Čikagu, a zatim prepisan od Nju- jorčana. Na neki način, franšiza „Čikago“ omaž je moćnoj indu- strijskoj prestonici severa SAD. Glume pravi vatrogasci Entoni Feraris, verovali ili ne, u seriji „Čikago u plamenu“ glumi – sebe, zato što je on i u stvarnom životu vatrogasac. U vi- še od 100 epizoda tumači lik To- nija, vozača kamiona spasilačkog odreda 3. Feraris je rodom iz Či- kaga i aktivan je vatrogasac vete- ran. Prvog dana snimanja ekipa je otkrila da niko od glumaca koji su igrali kao vatrogasci ne može da upravlja vatrogasnim vozilom jer je za to potrebna posebna do- zvola koju niko od glumaca nije imao. Ali Feraris jeste. TV reforma policije Smrt Džordža Flojda i Breone Tejlor, koju su 2020. prekomer- nom upotrebom sile uzrokovali policajci u Minesoti i Kentakiju, pokrenula je međunarodni talas protesta za građanska prava, što je industriju zabave dovelo u ve- oma nezahvalnu poziciju. Poli- cijske snage već decenijama su veličane u američkim TV serija- ma, a sada je sve to odjednom
dustrial capital of America’s North. Real firefighters act In the series Chicago Fire, An- thony Ferraris portrays – himself. That’s because he’s actually a re- al-life firefighter. He has portrayed
the character of Tony, the driver of Rescue Truck 3, in more than 100 episodes. Ferraris is a native Chica- goan and an active veteran firefight- er. On the first day of shooting, the crew discovered that none of the ac- tors playing firemen were capable of
merilin baret ( čikaška hitna pomoć) Čikago je blagosloven, to je moj drugi dom Merilin Baret je krajem prošle godine sa javnošću podelila vest o tome da boluje od kancera. Glumica koja u popularnoj seriji tumači lik glavne medicinske sestre Megi Lokvud deo je ovog procedurala od same premijere. Svih 159 epizoda. Uloga Megi Lokvud joj je u najtežim danima kroz koje je prošla tokom proteklih nekoliko meseci bila svetionik. – Ko je pratio seriju, dobro je upoznat sa time da se moja junakinja 2019. godi- ne borila sa rakom dojke. Njena borba i odluka da svoju bolest ne krije, već da je prihvati i hrabro živi sa njom, motivisala me je da javno progovorim o onome što mi se događa. Ovo saznanje bilo je snažan udarac za mene, ali nisam dopusti- la da me dotuče. Posao je ono što mi trenutno donosi mnogo sreće i zadovolj- stva. Skreće mi misli sa rasporeda hemoterapije i razmišljanja o tome hoću li decu ostaviti bez majke. Najveći izazov bio je da napustite Njujork? – Da, bez dileme je to bio težak izazov. Trebalo je napustim grad u kom sam ro- đena i odrasla, moj Njujork, i da ceo svoj život preselim u Čikago. Tada, te dav- ne 2015, bio je to za mene veliki korak. Danas pak imam osećaj da je Čikago moj drugi dom. Morate da prihvatite neka krupna odricanja, ali i da u njima prepo- znate onaj deo koji se može smatrati blagoslovom, jer Čikago zaista jeste bla- gosloven. Sada se smatram srećnom što imam dva doma – Njujork i Čikago.
Marlyne barrett (chicago med) Chicago is blessed; it has become my second home
It was late last year that Marlyne Barrett went public with the news that she was suffering from cancer. The actress, who portrays the character of head nurse Maggie Lockwood in the popular series, has been a cast member of this pro- cedural drama since it premiered. Appearing in all 159 episodes. And the role of Maggie Lockwood has represented a beacon of hope for her during the most dif- ficult days that she’s endured over recent months.
- All those who’ve followed the show are well aware that my her- oine struggled with breast cancer in 2019. Her struggle and de- cision not to hide her illness, but rather to accept and live brave- ly with it, motivated me to speak publicly about what has been happening with me. This discovery hit me hard, but I didn’t allow it to knock me down. Work is what currently brings me a lot of hap- piness and satisfaction. It takes my mind off my chemotherapy schedule and thinking about whether I’ll leave my children with- out a mother. Was leaving New York the biggest challenge for you? - Yes, that was undoubtedly a tough challenge. I had to leave the city where I was born and raised, my New York, and to move my entire life to Chicago. At that time, way back in 2015, that was a big step for me. Today, however, I feel like Chicago is my sec- ond home. You have to accept some major sacrifices, but also to recognise in them that part that could be considered a blessing. That’s because Chicago is truly blessed. I now consider myself lucky to have two homes: New York and Chicago.
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