Er SRBIJA air serbia 56.
u fokusu in focus 10.
Treći „erbas A320“ stigao u Beograd / Third Airbus A320 arrived in Belgrade Poleteli smo do Tel Aviva, Ankare, Katanije, Lisabona i Izmira / We’ve taken off bound for Tel Aviv, Ankara, Catania, Lisbon and Izmir Aerodrom u Čikagu je praktičan, koristan i lep / Chicago Airport is practical, advantageous and attractive
Najbolji rezultat Er Srbije od početka godine / Air Serbia posts best result since start of year
Intervju interview 28.
na letu on board 12.
Sajmon le Bon: U Beogradu sam proveo dan koji cu zauvek pamtiti / Simon Le Bon: I spent a day in Belgrade that I will remember forever
Sa nama putuje Bojan Suđić, dirigent / Travelling with us is Bojan Suđić, conductor
ritam grada rhythm of the city 72. Beogradske šume: Mirne oaze užurbanog grada / Belgrade forests: oases of tranquillity in a bustling city
putujte pametno smart travel 14. Vodimo vas u Čikago /
kultura culture 34.
Izabela Roselini u Jugoslovenskom dramskom pozorištu / Isabella Rossellini at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre Sav taj bluz: Slatki dom Čikago / All that Blues: sweet home Chicago Poslednja velika turneja: Četrdeset godina sa Madonom / Last major tour: forty years with Madonna
We’re taking you to Chicago
moda fashion 68.
Jednostavnost je ključ prave elegancije / Simplicity is the key to true elegance
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