„Al’s“ tvrdi da je izumitelj kultnog
čikaškog sendviča
Sendvič sa govedinom Hrskavi italijanski rolat napu- njen tanko narezanim i začinjenim pečenim goveđim mesom, plus pa- prike i sos po izboru... Sendvič na- daleko čuven i ukusan bez dileme, ali se među lokalnim stanovništvom oduvek vodi žestoka debata o tome ko ga u gradu pravi najbolje. „Al’s“ tvrdi da je izumitelj ove kultne či- kaške hrane i osvojio je bezbroj na- grada otkako je otvoren 1938. Ta- mo možete naručiti svoj sendvič suv (samo malo sosa), mokar (sa dodatnim sosom) ili umočen (pu- njen sosom). Takođe možete da ga dopunite raznim sirevima, slatkim paprikama ili specijalnom italijan- skom turšijom. Čikaška rebarca Čikaški roštilj sastoji se od dva Al’s claims to have invented the cult Chicago sandwich
ly prefer these cracker pizzas, espe- cially at Vito & Nick's, a veritable in- stitution of South Side Chicago that has been perfecting this iconic local dish since 1923. Hot dog Only a city with such a tradition of butchery can elevate the humble hot dog to classification as a world- class speciality: a hot dog made from pure beef is placed in a seeded bread bun and “dragged through the gar- den”, which is local slang meaning that it is served with mustard, green relish, chopped onions, slices of to- mato, chilli peppers and pickles, and sprinkled with celery salt. It is just as important to note what does not go on this sausage: ketchup. The Chica- go-style hot dog is, logically, available everywhere in the city – and every place that serves it is picturesque and charming, though it is said that the best are found at the restaurant chain Portillo’s. Cheeseburger Fast food eateries come and go, but the award-winning cheeseburger from Au Cheval will forever be deli- cious, greasy perfection! What makes it the holy grail of Chicago’s burger culture is the homey fusion of melted cheese, a runny fried egg, thick slic- es of bacon and heaps of toppings – all served on a double-toasted butter bun. The legendary Au Cheval cheese- burger has been repeatedly declared not only a cult Chicago dish, but al-
dela: začinjene, grubo mlevene ko- basice koje se zovu hot links i vru- ćih hrskavih krajeva rebara, koji se nazivaju rib tips. Moracete da ima- te spremne ubruse i maramice jer ovi komadici čiste gurmanske fan- tazije kada se namažu ljutim sosom garantuju da ćete se umusaviti kao dete. Rebarca su glavna atrakcija u starinskim čikaškim objektima kao što je „Lem’s“. Duga u kornetu Ova klasična čikaška poslastica je kornet doslovce natrpan čokola- dom, jagodama, vanilom sa trešnja- ma i orasima, pistacima i šerbetom od pomorandže, tim redosledom. To je glavni letnji desert vredan Insta- grama koji je ostao praktično nepro- menjen od kada je prvi put naprav- ljen 1926. Ovu uživanciju možete
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