Kultura / culture
Nov pogled na Votergejt / A new perspective on Watergate Priča o braku, izdaji i nadi / A tale of marriage, betrayal, love and hope
„Laž i manipulacija“ (Gaslit), sa Džulijom Roberts i Šonom Penom u oktobru premijerno na „Starsu“ / Gaslit, starring Julia Roberts and Sean Penn, premieres in October on the Starz network
Julia Roberts and Sean Penn will move into our homes, bringing yet another story of the oft-analysed Watergate scandal. This time around, Sean Penn plays attor- ney general John Mitchell, a friend and lawyer of then U.S. President Richard Nixon, while the queen of romantic comedy finds herself in the role of his wife, Martha Mitchell – the first whistleblower wife, without whom, Nixon claimed, there would have been no Watergate. This interpretation provides a completely new perspective and view on the entire scandal, at least accord- ing to the claims of the series crea- tors, who aimed to shift the focus of the story of the Watergate scandal to the people involved, as opposed to sticking to the facts and politics. Martha Mitchell was extremely in- fluential and often made guest ap- pearances on TV shows, during which she criticised her husband. She at- tempted to warn journalists when John tried to prevent her from ex- posing the scandal. “I can’t wait for viewers to experi- ence the extraordinary performances in this remarkable ensemble, led by Julia Roberts, in this thrilling tale,” said series creator and producer Rob- bie Pickering, who’s been obsessed with Nixon since seeing his moth- er weep while watching the former president’s funeral on TV in 1994. At the tender age of 11, all Picker- ing knew about Nixon was that he was considered a “bad president”, but he told TIME magazine: My moth- er had insisted that he was a great man and they crucified him. From that moment onI needed to know everything about this man.”
Džulija Roberts i Šon Pen će nam se useliti u domo- ve donoseći još jednu priču o to- liko puta analiziranom Votergej- tu. Ovaj put Šon Pen igra Džona Mičela, prijatelja i advokata neka- dašnjeg predsednika Amerike Ri- čarda Niksona, dok se kraljica ro- mantičnih komedija našla u ulozi njegove supruge Marte Mičel – pr- ve žene uzbunjivača javnosti, za koju je Nikson tvrdio da bez nje ne bi bilo ni Votergejta. Ovde je reč o potpuno novom pogledu na celu aferu, bar kako tvrde tvorci serije. Njima je cilj bio da se priča o Votergejt aferi fokusira na ljude, a ne samo na faktografiju i politiku. Marta Mi- čel je bila izuzetno uticajna i če- sto je gostovala u TV emisijama
gde je kritikovala muža. Kada je Džon probao da je spreči da ot- krije aferu, pokušala je da upo- zori novinare. „Jedva čekam da gledaoci uži- vaju u glumi kompletne postave koju predvodi Džulija Roberts u ovoj uzbudljivoj priči“, izjavio je Robi Pikering, kreator i producent serije, koji je bio opsednut Nikso- nom još otkako je video mamu ka- ko plače gledajući sahranu bivšeg predsednika 1994. na TV-u. Sa 11 godina sve što je Pikering znao o Niksonu bilo je da su ga smatra- li lošim predsednikom. Ali, kako je ispričao magazinu „Tajm“: „Ma- ma mi je rekla da je bio sjajan čo- vek i da su ga razapeli. Od tog tre- nutka morao sam da saznam sve o njemu“.
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