Poklon Nila
Moć vode u starom Egiptu Specijalna izložba predstavlja jedinstvene papiruse iz grčko- rimskog perioda koji su posvećeni reci Nil, odnosno održivoj upotrebi dragocenog resursa vode U vreme faraona, baš kao i danas, ulagali su se veliki napori za dodatno obradi- vo zemljište, čistu pijaću vodu, dovolj- no vode za navodnjavanje i borbu pro- tiv pustinje. Nil je bio jedini izvor vode u pustinjskoj zemlji u kojoj je žetva zavisila od go- dišnjih poplava. U zbirci papirusa u Austrijskoj nacionalnoj bi- blioteci nalaze se brojni originalni dokumenti iz fa- raonskog, grčkog, rimskog i ranog arapskog perioda koji se mogu iskoristiti za razumevanje različitih as- pekata na temu upravljanja vodama. Izložba će pri- kazati preko stotinu eksponata, od kojih se mnogi prvi put javno izlažu. Tekstovi izveštavaju o korišćenju vode koje kon- troliše i nadgleda država i o održavanju visoko razvi- jenog sistema navodnjavanja kako bi nadolaženje Nila svake godine moglo da zahvati što više poljoprivred- nih površina bez nanošenja štete prekomernim plav- ljenjem. Eksponati dokumentuju i propise o pravi- ma na vodu, poreske olakšice u sušnim periodima i mere vlade protiv širenja pustinje. Svaki Egipćanin je morao da radi pet dana u go- dini na održavanju složenog sistema kanala, brana i nasipa koji je omogućio uspon Egipta do jedne od pr- vih velikih poljoprivrednih kultura čovečanstva. Go- dišnje poplave su okončane otvaranjem velike Asu- anske brane 1970. godine.
A gift of the Nile
The power of water in ancient Egypt This special exhibition presents unique papyri from the Graeco-Roman period that are dedicated to the River Nile and the sustainable use of the precious resource that is water D uring the time of the pharaohs, much like today, great efforts were exerted in an effort to create additional arable land, clean drinking water and sufficient quan- tities of water to irrigate the land and combat desertification. The Nile was the only source of water in this arid land where harvests depended on annual floods. Included in the papyrus collection of the Austri- an National Library are numerous original documents from the Pharaonic, Greek, Roman and early Arabic periods that can be utilised to gain an understanding of various aspects of the topic of water management. The exhibition presents over a hundred exhibits, many of which are being exhibited in public for the first time. These texts report on the use of water that was controlled and overseen by the state and the main- taining of a highly developed irrigation system in or- der for the rising Nile to be able to inundate as much agricultural land as possible each year, without caus- ing damage through excessive flooding. Exhibits also document regulations on water rights, tax breaks dur- ing periods of drought and government measures to counter desertification. Every Egyptian had to spend five days a year work- ing to maintain the complex system of canals, dams and embankments that enabled Egypt to rise to be- come one of humanity’s first great agricultural cul- tures. The annual floods only came to an end in 1970, with the opening of the great Aswan Dam.
Nil je bio jedini izvor vode u pustinjskoj zemlji u kojoj je žetva zavisila od godišnjih poplava The Nile was the only source of water in this arid land where harvests depended on annual floods
Vienna » Beč | 53
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