Srpska i turska avio-kompanija zajedno ka kanadi Serbian and Turkish national airlines together to canada Er Srbija i Turkiš erlajns proširuju kod-šer partnerstvo / Air Serbia and turkish airlines expand codeshare partnership
montreal montreal
vankuver vancouver
toronto toronto
Air Serbia and Turkish Airlines, the national airli- nes of Serbia and Turkey, have further expanded their co- deshare cooperation with Air Serbia adding its marketing code to flights to destinations in the Turkish Airlines network in Canada. The Serbian national airline has added its "JU" code to Turkish Airlines flights between Istanbul and the Canadian cities Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, which is the first time Air Serbia's marketing code will appear on the Canadian market. "Passengers have the opportunity to travel via Istanbul to three important and large Canadian cities. The servi- ce to Canada is of great importance to the large diaspora from the countries of the wider Balkan region, as well as to all others wanting to visit Canada for business or tourism,” said Ivana Miklja Mučalov, Air Serbia International Affairs & Alliances Manager. With the addition of new cities in Canada, the expan- ded codeshare network now includes 21 Turkish Airlines de- stinations to which Air Serbia has added its marketing co- de. Flights are available from Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, which is connected to Belgrade with multiple daily services by both Serbian and Turkish carriers throughout the year.
Er Srbija i Turkiš erlajns, nacionalne avio-kompa- nije Srbije i Turske, dodatno su proširile kod-šer saradnju, tako što je Er Srbija dodala svoj marketing kod na leto- ve ka destinacijama u mreži Turkiš erlajnsa u Kanadi. Srp- ska nacionalna avio-kompanija je dodala svoj „JU“ kod na letove „Turkiš erlajnsa“ između Istanbula i kanadskih gra- dova Toronta, Montreala i Vankuvera, čime je po prvi put omogućeno prisustvo marketing koda Er Srbije na trži- štu Kanade. – Putnici imaju priliku da preko Istanbula otputuju do tri važna i velika kanadska grada. Letovi do Kanade su izu- zetno značajni za brojnu dijasporu zemalja iz regiona ši- reg Balkana, kao i za sve druge koji poslovno ili turistič- ki žele da posete Kanadu – izjavila je Ivana Miklja Mučalov, menadžerka međukompanijskih poslova i alijansi Er Sr- bije. Dodavanjem novih gradova u Kanadi, proširena kod- šer mreža sada uključuje 21 destinaciju „Turkiš erlajnsa“, na koju je Er Srbija dodala svoj marketing kod. Letovi su dostupni iz Istanbula, najvećeg grada u Turskoj, koji je sa Beogradom povezan sa više letova dnevno, i preko srp- skog i preko turskog avio-prevoznika, tokom cele godine.
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