Elevate March 2023 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija vesti / Air Serbia news

Zanimljiva geografija Interesting geography

Izgrađene su na zapadnoj strani Nila jer su stari Egipća- ni verovali da mesto gde izlazi sun- ce pripada živima, a mesto gde za- lazi mrtvima. They were constructed to the west of the Nile, because the an- cient Egyptians believed that the sun rises where the living reside and that the place where it sets belongs to the dead. Svaka strana piramidE okrenuta je prema određe- noj strani sveta i nijedna ne stvara senku drugoj. Each side of the pyramids faces a specific side of the world and none of them cast a shadow on another. Piramide u Gizi su najstarije od sedam svetskih čuda antičkog sveta, a ujedno i jedino koje je osta- lo do danas. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one that is still standing to this day. Temperatura unutar pirami- da je konstantna i jednaka pro- sečnoj temperaturi planete Zemlje, 20 stepeni Celzijusa. The interior temperature of the pyramids is a constant 20 degrees Celsius, which is equal to the avera- ge temperature of planet Earth. Keopsova piramida je najvi- ša i dostiže visinu od 147 metara. Keopsov sin, Kefren, sagradio je za života nešto manju grobnicu od 143 metra, dok je Mikerinova piramida, treća najpoznatija, visoka „svega“ 65 metara. The Pyramid of Cheops, aka the Great Pyramid, is the tallest, reac- hing a height of 147 metres. His son Khafre built a slightly shorter tomb during his lifetime, at 143 metres, while the pyramid of Menkaure is the third tallest, at “just” 65 metres.


Jeste li znali o piramidama? Did you know about the pyramids?

Air Serbia will establish dire- ct flights between Belgrade and Cairo as of 15 th May, and is set to fly to the Egyptian capital three ti- mes a week, on Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. Return flights from Cairo to the Serbian capital will ope- rate on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sa- turdays. In the meantime, check out some interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids, which remain a great mystery to this day.

Er Srbija od 15. maja uspo- stavlja direktne letove iz- među Beograda i Kaira , a do glavnog grada Egipta leteće tri pu- ta nedeljno, svakog ponedeljka, srede i petka. Letovi iz Kaira do srp- ske prestonice realizovaće se utor- kom, četvrtkom i subotom. Do tada proverite znate li neke od zanimlji- vih činjenica o egipatskim pirami- dama, koje i dan-danas predstav- ljaju veliku misteriju čovečanstva.





Velika piramida bila je najveća građevina napravljena ljudskom rukom sve dok 1311. nije izgrađena Lin- kolnska katedrala, s visinom od 160 metara / The Great Pyramid was the world’s tallest man-made structure until the construction of England’s Lincoln Cathedral in 1311, which reaches a height of 160 metres

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