Er Srbija vesti / Air Serbia news
Od 6. aprila
From 6 th April
I zmeđu glavnog grada Srbije i Aerodroma „Ben Gurion“ avioni tipa „erbas A319“ nacionalne avio-kompanije saobraćaće tri puta nedeljno – utorkom, četvrtkom i nedeljom. – Posle pauze od skoro tri godine usled pandemije korona virusa početkom aprila ponovo će- mo poleteti do Izraela. Radujemo se povratku u Tel Aviv. Taj grad na obali Sredozemnog mora najveća je gradska oblast i kulturni centar Izraela koji čuva tra- diciju i istoriju. Njegovim povratkom u mrežu Er Srbije dodatno ćemo obogatiti ponudu, a putnicima omogu- ćiti dobre veze Bliskog istoka sa zapadnom Evropom, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Balkanom – izja- vio je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strategi- ju Er Srbije. Tel Aviv krase peščane mediteranske plaže, boga- ta kultura i arhitektura, izvanredan noćni život i razno- vrsna gastronomija. Istorijsko nasleđe, kamene zgra- de i kaldrmisane ulice svakodnevno privlače turiste. Tu je smeštena jedna od najstarijih luka na svetu, Jafa. Obavezno posetite Karmel pijacu, najpoznatiju izra- elsku pijacu na otvorenom, i buvlju pijacu, bogatu an- tikvitetima. Autentično i živopisno bliskoistočno isku- stvo upotpuniće šetnja ulicama Ibn Gvirol i Ben Iehuda u kojima se služe jela od mesa, ribe, povrća, vešto umetnutih u pita hleb ili kriške tosta. Isprobajte sabič i tahini u lafa hlebu ili jedinstvene sendviče od haringe. Direktni letovi Er Srbije do Tel Aviva
Direct Air Serbia flights to Tel Aviv
he Airbus A319 aircraft of the Serbian natio- nal airline will fly between the Serbian capi- tal and Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport three ti- mes a week – on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
“After a pause of almost three years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, in April we will again begin flying to Israel. We are looking forward to returning to Tel Aviv. This ci- ty on the Mediterranean coast is the biggest urban hub and cultural centre of Israel, guarding its tradition and history. Its return to the Air Serbia network will further enrich our offer, providing our passengers with a good connection between the Middle East and Western Europe, the United States of America and the Balkans,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia’s General Manager Commercial and Strategy. Tel Aviv boasts Mediterranean sand beaches, a rich culture and architecture, extraordinary nightlife and diverse delicacies. Its historical heritage, stone buildings and cob- blestone streets attract tourists every day. It is also the lo- cation of one of the world’s oldest ports, Jaffa. Be sure to vi- sit Carmel Market, Shuk HaCarmel, Israel’s most famous outdoor marketplace, as well as Shuk HaPishpeshim, whi- ch is rich with antiquities. An authentic and vivid Middle East experience can be made complete with a stroll along Ibn Gvirol and Ben Yehuda streets, where meat, fish or vegeta- ble delicacies are served, masterfully wrapped in pita bread or presented on a slice of toast. Try sabich and tahini in laffa bread, or the unique herring sandwich.
„Erbas A319“ nacionalne avio-kompanije saobraćaće do Tel Aviva tri puta nedeljno – utorkom, četvrtkom i nedeljom Air Serbia’s Airbus A319 will fly to Tel Aviv three times a week – on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays
Jednostavnije putovanje do više od 70 destinacija u Americi Easing travel to more than 70 U.S. destinations Er Srbija proširuje saradnju sa Ameriken erlajnSom Air Serbia expands partnership with American Airlines
Air Serbia has expanded its interline partner- ship with American Airlines , one of the world’s big- gest airlines, thereby offering passengers good connecti- ons between Belgrade and over 70 additional destinations across the U.S. By combining the Serbian national airline’s Belgrade-Chicago service, which will launch on 17 th May 2023, with American Airlines’ flights between Chicago and other destinations, passengers will have an opportunity to easily reach a large number of cities across the country. “We are very satisfied with the expansion of the par- tnership between our two companies. In this way, we are enabling passengers to reach numerous U.S. destinations via Belgrade. The launch of direct flights between Belgrade and Chicago has contributed greatly to this expansion. Wi- th the establishment of this route, and with a reliable par- tner like American Airlines, our passengers will find it easier to reach all parts of the U.S.,” said Ivana Miklja Mučalov, Air Serbia International Affairs & Alliances Manager. The expanding of the interline partnership and adding of Chicago to the network of the Serbian national airline will ease onward travel for passengers departing from Belgra- de to Phoenix, Las Vegas, San Diego, Seattle, San Fran- cisco, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, Santa Ana, Miami, San Antonio, Denver, Orlando, Jacksonville, Boston, Portland, Tampa, Houston, New Orleans, Austin, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Nashville, Washington, Memphis, Omaha, Spring- field and many other cities. Air Serbia and American Airlines already have an ex- cellent interline partnership, thanks to which the Serbian capital is connected to numerous important U.S. destinati- ons via New York.
Saradnja sa jednom od najvećih avio-kom- panija na svetu će putnicima Er Srbije omogući- ti dobre veze između Beograda i više od 70 dodatnih destinacija širom Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Kom- binujući letove srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije iz- među Beograda i Čikaga, koji počinju 17. maja 2023. godine, sa letovima Ameriken erlajnsa između Čikaga i drugih tačaka, putnici imaju priliku da jednostavno sti- gnu do velikog broja gradova širom SAD. – Veoma smo zadovoljni zbog proširenja saradnje naše dve kompanije. Na taj način putnicima smo pru- žili mogućnost da preko Beograda stignu do brojnih destinacija u Americi. Tom proširenju umnogome je doprinelo pokretanje direktnih letova između Beogra- da i Čikaga. Otvaranjem te linije i uz pouzdanog par- tnera, kakav je Ameriken erlajns, naši putnici će lakše stizati do svih delova SAD – rekla je Ivana Miklja Mu- čalov, menadžer međukompanijskih poslova i alijan- si Er Srbije. Proširenjem međulinijske saradnje i uvođenjem Čikaga u mrežu srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika iz Beograda će se brže stizati u Finiks, Las Vegas, San Dijego, Sijetl, San Francisko, Solt Lejk Siti, Los Anđe- les, Santa Anu, Majami, San Antonio, Denver, Orlando, Džeksonvil, Boston, Portland, Tampu, Hjuston, Nju Or- leans, Ostin, Dalas, Oklahoma Siti, Filadelfiju, Minea- polis, Kanzas Siti, Pitsburg, Atlantu, Nešvil, Vašington, Memfis, Omahu, Springfild i mnoge druge gradove. Er Srbija i Ameriken erlajns odranije imaju odličnu međulinijsku saradnju, zahvaljujući kojoj preko Njujor- ka spajaju glavni grad Srbije sa značajnim brojem de- stinacija u Americi.
Uz pouzdanog partnera kakav je Ameriken erlajns putnici će lakše i brže stizati do svih delova SAD With a reliable partner like American Airlines, Air Serbia’s passengers will find it quicker and easier to reach all parts of the U.S.
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