KONCERT Još volimo „Skorpionse“ Čuvena rok grupa „Skorpions“ odr- žaće ekskluzivni koncert u Beogradu 25. juna u „Štark“ areni. Pet godina nakon prethodnog spektakularnog nastupa u Beogradu, na istom mestu i posle brojnih poziva fanova, „Skor- pionsi“ su odlučili da prošire već ugo- vorenu turneju i da za publiku Balka- na dodaju ovaj jedan koncert upravo u Beogradu. Iskazati njihovu karijeru u brojevima je gotovo nemoguće, ali jedan broj ipak treba pomenuti – više od 100 miliona prodatih albuma do danas. Njihove pesme „Still Loving You“ , „Wind of Change“ i „Send Me An Angel“ postale su vanvremenski hitovi koji se i sada vrte na radio-sta- nicama, ali i pored neverovatnog uspeha ovih balada, „Skorpions“ su prvenstveno hard rok bend koji do- nosi žestoku energiju na sceni. CONCERT We still love the Scorpions Famous rock band Scorpions will hold an exclusive concert at Belgrade’s Štark Arena on 25 th June. Five years after their last spectacular perfor- mance at the same Belgrade ven- ue, and after numerous calls from fans eager for them to return, Scorpi- ons decided to expand the tour that they had already contracted by add- ing this one-off concert for the Bal- kan audience, right here in Belgrade. It is almost impossible to present their career in numbers, but there is one number that should nonetheless be mentioned: more than 100 million al- bums sold to date. Their songs Still loving you, Wind of Change and Send Me An Angel have become timeless hits that continue to be played on ra- dio stations worldwide. However, de- spite the incredible success of these ballads, Scorpions are primarily a hard rock band that brings ferocious energy to the stage.
KNJIGA Novi roman
Gijoma Musoa
Gijom Muso, čije su knjige deceni- jama bestseleri u svetu i Srbiji, us- peo je da novim romanom „Anželik“ ponovo oduševi publiku, a u izdanju „Vulkana“ našao se odnedavno i u našim knjižarama. Osim što glavne likove knjige – poli- cajaca Matijasa i primabalerinu Ste- lu Petrenko – strmoglavo uranja u ne- izvesnu istragu, a čitaoca u lavirint emocija, u kojem sve ono što je na jednoj stranici izvesno, već na dru- goj nije, Muso novom knjigom gađa u sam centar preovlađujućih emocija savremenog čoveka. book New Guillaume Musso novel Guillaume Musso, whose novels have for decades been among bestsellers
around the world, and in Serbia, has succeeded in delighting readers once again with his latest novel, Angélique, which recently appeared in Serbian bookshops, published by Vulkan. Apart from plunging the book’s central characters – police officer Mathais and prima ballerina Stella Pe- trenko – headlong into an uncertain investigation, and plunging the reader into a labyrinth of emotions in which everything that is certain on one page is unclear on the next, Musso’s lat- est novel takes aim at the very cen- tre of the prevailing emotions of mod- ern man.
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