Kultura Culture
Malaga Málaga
Tragovima jednog detinjstva / Traces of a childhood Pikasova Malaga – tamo gde je sve počelo / Picasso’s Málaga – where it all began Iako se porodica preselila u severnu Španiju kada je Pablo imao devet godina, a on je nastavio da živi i studira u Madridu i Barseloni pre nego što se nastanio u Francuskoj, Pikaso je sebe uvek smatrao Malagijancem, a mnoge teme iz najranije mladosti nastavice da se pojavljuju u njegovoj umetnosti do samog kraja / Despite his family having moved to the north of Spain when Pablo was nine years old, and the fact that he went on to study and live in Madrid and Barcelona before relocating to France, Picasso always considered himself a Malagueño, and many themes from his earliest childhood would continue to appear in his art until the very end
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